Alexandra Garcia

Alexandra Garcia is an experienced non-profit management professional and consultant.

She is the former Executive Director of iLCP, running the organization from 2012 through 2017. During her tenure, she helped reestablish iLCP as a thriving operating entity by launching programs such as image licensing, expanding the scope of the expeditions, starting the fiscal sponsorship program, and launching WiLDSPEAK, iLCP's signature annual event.

Prior to iLCP, Alex ran the Fabretto Children's Foundation, the 501(c)3 arm of an organization that operates education, health, and nutrition programs for thousands of impoverished children in Nicaragua.

She has consulted with organizations like the UN Foundation's Global Alliance for Cleancookstes, SNV Dutch Development Organisation, and Tostan.

Alex received her undergraduate degree in Finance with a minor in Latin American Studies from Georgetown University. Her MA in International Policy is from George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs. Her study concentration was on the impact of climate change and energy policy on women in the developing world.

Alex is fluent in French and Spanish. She has lived and traveled extensively around the world.

Posts by Alexandra Garcia

On the Brink: The final days in the fight to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

August 08, 2020 11:49 AM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on On the Brink: The final days in the fight to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Article by Syler Peralta-Ramos/ Images by various iLCP Fellows Where the Brooks Range slopes towards the waters of the Arctic Ocean and the northern lights dance, one of the most wild ecosystems on the planet can be found. It is a place of rebirth in the truest form; where a caribou herd of 200,000 give […]

¿Ganar a qué costo? Consideraciones éticas para concursos de fotografía de naturaleza y vida silvestre

July 07, 2020 02:15 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on ¿Ganar a qué costo? Consideraciones éticas para concursos de fotografía de naturaleza y vida silvestre

Por Brooke McDonough el miembro del personal de iLCP y el asociado Doug Gimesy Traducido al español por el asociado Eladio Fernandez y nuestro interno Syler Peralta-Ramos El Problema En el mundo competitivo de la fotografía de naturaleza y la vida silvestre, parece que producir una escena usando la fauna silvestre para generar una imagen […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

July 07, 2020 04:37 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Biodiversity, Birds, Climate Change, Energy/Industry, Flora, Freshwater, Health, Landscapes, Mountains, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Plants & Flora, What are our Fellows doing?, Wildlife / Comments Off on Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

Text by Syler Peralta-Ramos, Photos by Karen Kasmauski About the Proposed Pipeline: Pipelines have been at the forefront of American consciousness since the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline sparked nearly a decade of legal controversy and protests. For residents of West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina however, the looming threat of a […]

Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

April 04, 2020 10:49 AM
by / Topics: Ethics, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

By iLCP Staff Member Brooke McDonough and Associate Fellow Doug Gimesy THE ISSUE In the competitive field of nature and wildlife photography, it appears that the staging of wildlife to produce a competition-winning image has become more frequent, and in some competitions, rewarded. We have seen, for example, instances where two animals are artificially placed […]

Views from the Photo Desk: Uncloaking the Mystery of Bats

October 10, 2019 09:54 AM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, Wildlife / 2 Comments »

Views from the Photo Desk is a monthly selection of captivating images from the iLCP Image Bank curated by our Visual Assets Coordinator. Bats are one of the most mysterious and least understood groups of mammals. Bats provide a valuable service to people – the main prey of many bat species is insects including mosquitoes, beetles, […]

What are our Fellows doing? September 2019

October 10, 2019 09:02 AM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing? September 2019

Alex Wiles recently finished the Jackson Wild Media Lab at the Jackson Wild Summit. He was one of just 16 participants that were selected out of over 650 international applicants. iLCP Affiliate Jaymi Heimbuch and Sebastian Kennerknecht taught a seven day conservation photography workshop intensive in Moss Landing, California. The students learned what is involved in telling a conservation photography […]

Photography for Conservation: Join us in London!

October 10, 2019 11:46 AM
by / Topics: Events, Photojournalism, Science, Traps and Remotes, Underwater, Watersheds, What are our Fellows doing?, Wildlife / Comments Off on Photography for Conservation: Join us in London!

We are thrilled to present an event hosted jointly by the IC Environmental Society, the International League of Conservation Photographers, the Grantham Institute, the Natural History Museum of London, Wildscreen UK and IC Photosoc. Three brilliant conservation photographers will join us at Imperial College to speak about their work using the power of photography in […]

Conservation Win! The Peel Watershed is Protected

August 08, 2019 12:42 PM
by / Topics: Freshwater, Landscapes, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Watersheds / Comments Off on Conservation Win! The Peel Watershed is Protected

The Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan was signed August 2019, protecting the Peel Watershed! The Peel Watershed is a large (over 24,000 square miles) and remote area located in the North-East of Canada’s Yukon Territory. It consists of 6 major rivers that all merge into the Peel, which then flows into the Mackenzie River […]

What are our Fellows doing? July 2019

August 08, 2019 01:23 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Ethics, Events, Photojournalism, What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing? July 2019

Esther Horvath’s work on Station Nord was featured in National Geographic. Katie Schuler has two Jackson Wild award nominations  for her films “Nigerians fight to protect the world’s most trafficked mammal” and “Where Life Begins.” Jen Guyton’s photo of a pangolin was featured in BioGraphic. Kyle Obermann gave a TEDx talk in Chengdu, China about conservation and photography. In 2017 Doug Gimesy helped establish and then chaired […]

WiLD about Conservation

August 08, 2019 03:37 PM
by / Topics: Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on WiLD about Conservation

Join us for an evening of incredible tales, stunning imagery, and conservation stories from iLCP award-winning photographers and filmmakers. This event is open to the public and will include a number of speakers from iLCP and a moderated panel with audience Q&A. iLCP Fellows are the world’s best conservation photographers and filmmakers who use storytelling […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Eladio Fernandez

August 08, 2019 01:14 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism / Comments Off on iLCP Featured Fellow – Eladio Fernandez

Eladio Fernandez is a conservation photographer, a naturalist, author and publisher from the Dominican Republic. He has an extensive image bank on Caribbean flora, fauna and landscapes. His work also includes underwater subjects and captures vanishing cultural rituals and practices from the Caribbean. Some of Eladio’s images have appeared in magazines, such as the Wildlife […]

Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

July 07, 2019 10:59 AM
by / Topics: Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Ethics, Health, Marine, Photojournalism, Underwater / Comments Off on Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

What are our Fellows doing? June 2019

July 07, 2019 11:55 AM
by / Topics: What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing? June 2019

Robert Glenn Ketchum has continued his long-term work on the No Pebble Mine campaign in partnership with the NRDC. He frequently blogs on the topic and recently released and ad in the New York Times with the NRDC. “Since 1998, I have been working to protect the spectacular resources of southwest Alaska and the fishery of Bristol Bay. […]

Views from the Photo Desk: Insects: Oddities and Rarities

June 06, 2019 03:40 PM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on Views from the Photo Desk: Insects: Oddities and Rarities

Views from the Photo Desk is a monthly selection of captivating images from the iLCP Image Bank curated by our Visual Assets Coordinator.   View our complete image gallery or email for partnerships or licensing information.

What are our Fellows doing? May 2019

June 06, 2019 03:31 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing? May 2019

Stay up to date with all 117 iLCP Fellows by signing up for our monthly newsletter or continue checking our blog for updates! The June issue of Outdoor Photographer features the iLCP expeditions to Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, with a cover article written by Peter Mather. The National Wildlife Federation and Ranger Rick Magazine have announced that Javier […]

The Redsecker Response Fund

May 05, 2019 03:11 PM
by / Topics: Multimedia, Photojournalism / Comments Off on The Redsecker Response Fund

The Redsecker Response Fund honors long-time iLCP board member and Chair, Buffy Redsecker, for her support of professional photographers and their important work creating images to inspire positive conservation action. Buffy’s seven-year term on the board ends this month, and we want to show our appreciation for her enthusiastic support of conservation photography through a […]

Views from the Photo Desk: Endangered Species

Views from the Photo Desk is a monthly selection of captivating images from the iLCP Image Bank curated by our Visual Assets Coordinator. A recent report from the United Nations found that 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. This is more than ever before in human history. The report states: “The […]

What are our Fellows doing: April 2019

May 05, 2019 03:16 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Photojournalism, Science, What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing: April 2019

Stay up to date with all 117 iLCP Fellows by signing up for our monthly newsletter or continue checking our blog for updates! Congratulations to all the Fellows and Emerging League members who were recognized in the 2019 BigPicture competition! Winners Piotr Naskrecki, Winged Life Peter Mather, Pushing the Limit Photo Story Finalists Javier Aznar, Terrestrial […]

Views from the Photo Desk: diving into the ocean’s depths

April 04, 2019 04:28 PM
by / Topics: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Marine, Photojournalism, Underwater / Comments Off on Views from the Photo Desk: diving into the ocean’s depths

Views from the Photo Desk is a monthly selection of captivating images from the iLCP Image Bank curated by our Visual Assets Coordinator. A large field of healthy Staghorn corals, Acropora sp, in the intertidal zone beneath the wave under morning light at Koh Bulon Lae, Satun, Thailand. // Photo by Emerging League Photographer Sirachai Arunrugstichai […]

What are our Fellows doing: March 2019

April 04, 2019 10:09 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism, What are our Fellows doing? / Comments Off on What are our Fellows doing: March 2019

With 117 Fellows around the world, our photographers and filmmakers are constantly working on new projects. Here’s a quick update on our Fellows from the past month! For the next 6 months, Melissa Groo will be filming the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s first online bird photography course, to be released by CLO in early 2020. Jasper Doest […]

When Words Let Us Down – The Importance of Framing

February 02, 2019 03:17 PM
by / Topics: Climate Change, Multimedia, People and Culture, Photojournalism / Comments Off on When Words Let Us Down – The Importance of Framing

Article and photos by iLCP Associate Fellow Doug Gimesy  Habitat loss vs. habitat destruction A Government official once said to a friend of mine, who is a professional conservation communicator, “It’s so sad that we lost the Christmas Island pipistrelle* [a type of bat]. If only we had acted earlier.” My friend couldn’t help replying with a […]

From Wild to Captive: A Call for Ethics in Modern Nature Photography

December 12, 2018 10:54 AM
by / Topics: Ethics, Multimedia, Photojournalism, Wildlife / 1 Comment »

Article by iLCP Associate Fellow Melissa Groo This is a thrilling time to be a nature photographer. The digital age has brought advancements in camera capabilities that only a couple decades ago were beyond our imagination. Shared GPS coordinates, drones, thermal imaging, camera traps, photo metadata, online forums, and other tools inform us on the […]

iGAVE to iLCP this Giving Tuesday

November 11, 2018 03:57 PM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on iGAVE to iLCP this Giving Tuesday

iLCP is a global community of visual storytellers working to share conservation stories to inspire action. Together we are pushing the needle for conservation, and this wouldn’t be possible without you. We hope you will help us make a difference through recurring donations. Thank you so much for your support! Support iLCP this Giving Tuesday and […]

iLCP at Wildscreen Festival 2018

September 09, 2018 02:31 PM
by / Topics: Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism / Comments Off on iLCP at Wildscreen Festival 2018

This year, iLCP is the conservation photography partner at Wildscreen Festival. To explain more about the partnership and conservation photography, Wildscreen interviewed our Executive Director, Susan Norton. Please see the interview below:  Wildscreen is partnering with the International League of Conservation Photographers at Wildscreen Festival 2018 where many of it’s fellows and associates will be speaking at […]

360˚VR – Encounter with Great White Shark in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

September 09, 2018 10:43 AM
by / Topics: Biodiversity, Marine, Multimedia, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 360˚VR – Encounter with Great White Shark in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Photos and story by Senior Fellow Keith Ellenbogen. Keith Ellenbogen was awarded a Hollings Ocean Awareness Award from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation to capture dramatic and beautiful images that showcase the surprising diversity of marine wildlife within Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, just 25 nautical miles off the coast of Boston, between Cape Ann […]

A Wilderness Adventure in a National Forest

September 09, 2018 02:28 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, People and Culture / Comments Off on A Wilderness Adventure in a National Forest

Photos by Senior Fellow Dave Showalter iLCP has been working in partnership with the National Forest Foundation and U.S. Forest Service on their It’s All Yours campaign to promote recreation and encourage Americans to develop a deeper relationship with their National Forests. As part of this campaign, people are encouraged to spend time outside; to […]

A Tribute to Environmentalist Nathaniel Reed

July 07, 2018 02:11 PM
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On July 11th Nathaniel ‘Nat’ Reed, a great environmental advocate, passed away at age 84. Mr. Reed had many accomplishments and tirelessly spoke up to help protect wildlife and preserve the environment. He was a true environmental champion. Among Mr. Reed’s most noted work were his efforts in drafting and petitioning the U.S. Endangered Species […]

Caribou Calving Grounds?

July 07, 2018 10:07 AM
by / Topics: Arctic/Antarctic, Wildlife / Comments Off on Caribou Calving Grounds?

Text by iLCP Fellow Peter Mather It is 1am as I drive down Alaska’s straightest and smoothest road. We are on our way home and making good time. The sun, having just set, is a pastel pink and a single cloud, resembling cotton candy, hangs low in the sky. As a conservation photographer, I spend […]

Coastal Jaguars

March 03, 2018 04:15 PM
by / Topics: Wildlife / Comments Off on Coastal Jaguars

Read our newest blog post from iLCP fellow Sebastian Kennerknecht/Panthera on National Geographic Voices. Photographs by iLCP Fellow Sebastian Kennerknecht/Panthera Text by Betsy Painter “This opportunity to study jaguar behavior up close is remarkable, yet the link to sea turtle predation may be challenging for some. The poetic drama of natural predation, where one species experiences loss at the […]

Saving a Crown Jewel

February 02, 2018 07:13 PM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on Saving a Crown Jewel

Read our newest blog posting from iLCP Fellow Krista Schlyer on National Geographic Voices. “There are some places in this world where life and beauty effervesce from the ground itself, places we simply cannot lose. There are landscapes where lines must be drawn in the proverbial sand and we must say, no, you will not take […]

Why WildSpeak

November 11, 2017 12:42 PM
by / Topics: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Landscapes, Marine, Multimedia, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Why WildSpeak

Written by iLCP staff member Betsy Painter with images from iLCP Fellows. So bring on the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters, and poets, and plays… here’s to the fools who dream, crazy as they may seem. –La La Land Films and visual imagery capture imaginations and dare us to envision a better future. […]

1Frame4Nature | Goldilocks, the Sheep and the Predator

October 10, 2017 10:37 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Goldilocks, the Sheep and the Predator

What YOU Can Do:  Take the time to meet people and discuss with them. Expose your points of view and arguments with passion and conviction. Make your voice heard. Learn about your local habitats and wildlife conflict. No cause is lost. Everyone can change their minds. Write to your local representative explaining that there are other ways […]

Small Fisheries, Big Impacts: Artisanal Fishers Hook in Hope for Alleviating Poverty

September 09, 2017 03:04 PM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Small Fisheries, Big Impacts: Artisanal Fishers Hook in Hope for Alleviating Poverty

Text and Photos by iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton. Read our other articles on the National Geographic Voices blog featuring the work of our iLCP Fellow Photographers all around the world. Many of my photographic assignments have taken me to the front lines of industrial fishing, often happening beyond national borders. In these distant waters there’s […]

Marine Biology at the Top of the World

July 07, 2017 03:22 PM
by / Topics: Climate Change, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Uncategorized / Comments Off on Marine Biology at the Top of the World

Pictures by James Morgan, Words by James Simpson Svalbard. 78° north. Only 750 miles from the North Pole. We join Knut Sunnanå, chief scientist, and his team aboard the RV Helmar Hanssen for the first few days of a research cruise in the waters around Svalbard. The ship is a 63m converted prawn trawler, part […]

1Frame4Nature | Amplifying the Big Picture

July 07, 2017 10:47 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Birds, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Amplifying the Big Picture

What YOU Can Do:  Learn about your local habitats and wildlife and speak passionately to friends, family and colleagues—enthusiasm is infectious. Identify ways in which wildlife could do better and do your best to make it happen. Here in the UK for example, many local councils have a policy of strimming roadside verges. Write to […]

1Frame4Nature | American Icon in the Alaskan Horizon

June 06, 2017 01:45 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Birds, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | American Icon in the Alaskan Horizon

What YOU Can Do:  Take a moment to celebrate the times of awe and wonder you’ve experienced in nature, and be thankful. Carve out opportunities in your future schedules to go exploring in the wilderness to create more memories to share and appreciate. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe […]

1Frame4Nature | A Vessel of Life in the Philippine Seas

June 06, 2017 12:30 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | A Vessel of Life in the Philippine Seas

What YOU Can Do:  Reduce your carbon footprint: Ride your bike or walk to work, and use public transportation or share a ride whenever possible. Committing to it, even just once a week, is a consistent contribution that reduces fossil fuel use. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of […]

1Frame4Nature | Under the Mangrove Sea

June 06, 2017 01:38 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Under the Mangrove Sea

What YOU Can Do:  Start a conversation about the importance of mangroves with your friends and family. Explore, interact with, and share the data at Learn about the amazing animals and communities that mangroves support –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. […]

1Frame4Nature | Insects Color Our World

June 06, 2017 01:21 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Insects, Photojournalism, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Insects Color Our World

What YOU Can Do: Plant or place plants with flowers in your garden, backyard or balcony, for food for insects, even in the cities. Avoid the use of pesticides to kill insects; this harms not only the insects, but all the animals that feed on them. Abstain from collecting insects, they are delicate and we […]

1Frame4Nature | Baby Giants in the Deep Blue

May 05, 2017 02:12 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Macro, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Baby Giants in the Deep Blue

What YOU Can Do: Eat sustainable seafood. Look for special terms like “line caught”, “diver caught”, “sustainably caught” or “sustainably harvested. Stop using straws. About 500 million disposable straws are used each day in USA and plastic straws aren’t accepted for recycling. Straws are the number top 10 plastic trash found in the oceans. Reduce […]

1Frame4Nature | Robin Moore

May 05, 2017 04:35 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Amphibians, Macro, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Robin Moore

What YOU Can Do:  Follow the Search for Lost Species, and get involved, at Say no to palm oil to save endangered species. The equivalent of 300 football fields of rainforest is destroyed every hour to make room for palm oil plantations. Avoid products- from shampoo to peanut butter to frozen pizza- containing palm […]

1Frame4Nature | Sergio Izquierdo

May 05, 2017 10:07 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Birds, Fisheries, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Sergio Izquierdo

What YOU Can Do:  We have the three “R’s”: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Notice that recycle is the third, not the first in the order. We should add one called “Refuse” at the beginning because we should really refuse using disposable plastics. When we do this, the companies will start changing their packaging. Avoid the use […]

1Frame4Nature | Daisy Gilardini

May 05, 2017 09:39 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Climate Change, Insects, Photojournalism, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Daisy Gilardini

What YOU Can Do:  Change some simple every day habits. Recycle more and save energy by: using less hot water, using energy safe light bulbs, buying seasonal and locally grown food, using public transportations, switching off the light when you leave a room….Little daily actions will go a long way and make the difference. –1Frame4Nature […]

Tim Laman Featured on GEO Article for Coiba Island Expedition

April 04, 2017 03:22 PM
by / Topics: Amphibians, Birds, Landscapes, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on Tim Laman Featured on GEO Article for Coiba Island Expedition

Senior Fellow Tim Laman ‘s photos appeared in a GEO magazine article covering his experience documenting Coiba Island in Panama as part of the iLCP expedition to promote the protection of Coiba National Park’s pristine environment and irreplaceable biodiversity. The German article with photos can be viewed here: The Reef of Good Hope.

Christian Ziegler Featured on GEO Article for Coiba Island Expedition

April 04, 2017 03:17 PM
by / Topics: Amphibians, Birds, Landscapes, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on Christian Ziegler Featured on GEO Article for Coiba Island Expedition

Senior Fellow Christian Ziegler ‘s photos appeared in a GEO magazine article covering his experience documenting Coiba Island in Panama as part of the iLCP expedition to promote the protection of Coiba National Park’s pristine environment and irreplaceable biodiversity. The German article with photos can be viewed here: Islands Beyond Time.

1Frame4Nature | Clay Bolt

April 04, 2017 12:38 PM
by / Topics: Insects, Photojournalism, Science, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Clay Bolt

What YOU Can Do:  Watch A Ghost in the Making: Searching for the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee by Clay Bolt and get inspired to help protect bumble bees and other native pollinators in your own community! What can you do in your backyard to make a difference? Plant native wildflowers in your backyard, avoid spraying pesticides, and […]

1Frame4Nature | Chris Linder

April 04, 2017 10:00 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Arctic/Antarctic, Climate Change, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Chris Linder

What YOU Can Do:  Make your voice heard! Join the March for Science on April 22 in Washington, DC, at one of nearly 500 satellite locations, or virtually. Attend an informal science lecture at a coffeehouse or pub (find one near you). These are great settings to learn about new research and ask questions. Experience science […]

1Frame4Nature | Gabby Salazar

April 04, 2017 11:11 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Uncategorized / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Gabby Salazar

What YOU Can Do:  Read “Wild Hope: On the Front Lines of Conservation Success” by Andrew Balmford and get inspired to find your starfish! What can you do in your backyard to make a difference? Start composting, use native plants in your garden, or help clean-up your local beach or nature reserve. –1Frame4Nature is a […]

1Frame4Nature | Matthew Cicanese

April 04, 2017 10:59 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Uncategorized / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Matthew Cicanese

What YOU Can Do:  Appreciate the Earth’s little details by stopping and look closer! Carry a small magnifying glass with you and you’ll surely find that there’s beauty around the planet in all shapes and sizes! –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Sebastian Kennerknecht

March 03, 2017 12:17 PM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on iLCP Featured Fellow – Sebastian Kennerknecht

Sebastian Kennerknecht is a wildlife and conservation photographer focusing in particular on endangered species and wild cats. Using highly customized digital SLR camera traps that he builds, in addition to conventional photographic techniques, and extensive natural history research, Sebastian covers the whole story about an animal while also working closely with in-the-field biologists. This often […]

1Frame4Nature | Esther Horvath

March 03, 2017 10:08 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Uncategorized / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Esther Horvath

What YOU Can Do:  Each individual can bring important help by adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It’s the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, […]

Farm Family May be Driven from Land by New Crop: Gas Processing Plants

March 03, 2017 01:11 PM
by / Topics: Energy/Industry, Uncategorized / Comments Off on Farm Family May be Driven from Land by New Crop: Gas Processing Plants

Read our latest blog posting with the Environmental Integrity Project on Huffington Post here. Note: this story is part of a collaborative photojournalism project, “The Human Cost of Energy Production,” about the threat of expanded fracking for natural gas to rural areas of Pennsylvania and Western Maryland, which readers can view by clicking here. Photos by iLCP […]

1Frame4Nature | Christian Ziegler

March 03, 2017 11:03 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Uncategorized / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Christian Ziegler

What YOU Can Do:  Go and sit quietly in nature to develop a new appreciation of your local wild places. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible […]

Embattled Borderlands

March 03, 2017 09:00 AM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / 2 Comments »

1Frame4Nature | Michel Roggo

March 03, 2017 12:00 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Michel Roggo

What YOU Can Do:  Write or speak to legislators, ask for a meeting! –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes for the preservation of our planet. Submit […]

Physician Diagnoses New Health Risk: Explosions at Drilling Sites

March 03, 2017 12:34 PM
by / Topics: Health / Comments Off on Physician Diagnoses New Health Risk: Explosions at Drilling Sites

Read our latest blog posting with the Environmental Integrity Project on Huffington Post here. Note: this story is part of a collaborative photojournalism project, “The Human Cost of Energy Production,” about the threat of expanded fracking for natural gas to rural areas of Pennsylvania and Western Maryland, which readers can view by clicking here. Photos by iLCP […]

Organic Farmers Don’t Want Drilling on Their Doorstep

March 03, 2017 11:45 AM
by / Topics: Uncategorized / Comments Off on Organic Farmers Don’t Want Drilling on Their Doorstep

Read our latest blog posting with the Environmental Integrity Project on Huffington Post here. Note: this story is part of a collaborative photojournalism project, “The Human Cost of Energy Production,” about the threat of expanded fracking for natural gas to rural areas of Pennsylvania and Western Maryland, which readers can view by clicking here. Photos by iLCP […]

1Frame4Nature | Lucas Bustamante

March 03, 2017 10:39 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Lucas Bustamante

What YOU Can Do:  Conservation is not just an NGOs responsibility; it has to start with each of us, each of our choices. At the end of the day, if we lose the rainforests, it will not be just a loss for Ecuadorians but for all of mankind. So what can I do to help […]

Kayaking Gear Designer Fights Current on Fracking

March 03, 2017 02:12 PM
by / Topics: Assignments / Comments Off on Kayaking Gear Designer Fights Current on Fracking

Read our latest blog posting with the Environmental Integrity Project on Huffington Post here. Note: this story is part of a collaborative photojournalism project, “The Human Cost of Energy Production,” about the threat of expanded fracking for natural gas to rural areas of Pennsylvania and Western Maryland, which readers can view by clicking here. Photos by iLCP […]

The Digital Story podcast with Alexandra Garcia

February 02, 2017 02:08 PM
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iLCP Executive Director Alexandra Garcia sits down with Derrick Story from The Digital Story to discuss conservation photography and our 1Frame4Nature campaign. Listen to the podcast here.

Photo Project Portrays Families Impacted by Fracking and Fighting Back

February 02, 2017 01:21 PM
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Environmental Integrity Project and International League of Conservation Photographers Team up for “The Human Cost of Energy Production.” Hydraulic fracturing has transformed the American landscape over the last decade, triggering booms in oil and natural gas production, making a few people wealthy – but also inflicting a terrible toll on many rural families and public […]

1Frame4Nature | Jasper Doest

February 02, 2017 11:01 AM
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What YOU Can Do:  I challenge you to challenge yourself! Why throw away something that could potentially put a smile on the face of a fellow human being? I challenge you to make someone happy – recycle, upcycle, regift, reuse! –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection […]

1Frame4Nature | Dave Showalter

February 02, 2017 01:54 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Dave Showalter

What YOU Can Do:  Engage with conservation groups, share images and advocate, write letters to public officials and land managers. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible […]

Protecting Africa’s Rhinos

February 02, 2017 12:39 PM
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Read about iLCP Fellow Beverly Joubert‘s continued work with Rhinos Without Borders, an effort to move rhinos from poaching hotspots. Rhinos Without Borders, a short film in partnership with GoPro, can also be watched here.

Alexandra Garcia Interview with Conservation Careers

February 02, 2017 12:58 PM
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iLCP Executive Director Alexandra Garcia sits down with Conservation Careers for a talk about iLCP, its work, its Fellows and advice for budding conservation photographers and filmmakers. Read the full interview here.    

1Frame4Nature | Amy Gulick

February 02, 2017 12:50 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Uncategorized / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Amy Gulick

What YOU Can Do: Care for Nature. Purchase sustainably sourced foods. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes for the preservation of our planet. Submit your story now! Crouched on […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Krista Schlyer

February 02, 2017 03:48 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Birds, Climate Change, Deserts, Fisheries, Freshwater, Landscapes, Mountains, Science, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on iLCP Featured Fellow – Krista Schlyer

Krista Schlyer is an award-winning photographer and writer focusing on conservation, biodiversity and public lands. She has worked throughout North America, from the arid lands of the American West to the urban rivers of Washington DC, and is drawn to the cause of underdogs, prairie dogs, and all things wild. Schlyer is a Senior Fellow […]

1Frame4Nature | Wendy Shattil

February 02, 2017 02:07 PM
by / Topics: Climate Change, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Wendy Shattil

What YOU Can Do:  Put a face on wildlife by taking photos of them in their natural urban environment. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes […]

1Frame4Nature | Art Wolfe

February 02, 2017 01:58 PM
by / Topics: Freshwater / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Art Wolfe

What YOU Can Do:  When camping, pack it in & pack it out—leave no trace. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes for the preservation of […]

Platte Basin Timelapse Project

February 02, 2017 09:08 AM
by / Topics: Aerial, Climate Change, Landscapes, Photojournalism, Uncategorized / Comments Off on Platte Basin Timelapse Project

iLCP Fellow Michael Forsberg, and Platte River Timelapse co-founder Michael Farrell, utilize a system of time-lapse cameras to document the story of the Platte River’s 90,000 square-mile river basin and how water moves and changes the landscape.

A New Era in the United States

January 01, 2017 01:37 PM
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January 20, 2017 Dear Friends of iLCP, Today marks the beginning of a new era in the United States, one that will affect virtually every aspect of our lives: the economy, our health, our children’s education, our national security, and of most concern to iLCP, the environment. As an organization with a international Fellowship and […]

Winery Owners Fear Fracking Will Poison Tourism

December 12, 2016 02:09 PM
by / Topics: Energy/Industry / Comments Off on Winery Owners Fear Fracking Will Poison Tourism

Read our newest blog posting from EIP-Fracking Expedition on National Geographic Voices. From our recent expedition with Environmental Integrity Project to document fracking in western Pennsylvania and Maryland. Nadine and Paul own and operate Deep Creek Cellars, a sustainable artisan winery in Friendsville, Maryland and they are on the frontlines of the fracking conflict. Photos […]

Trust in the Age of Digital Manipulation

December 12, 2016 09:57 AM
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Ethics in photography happens not only in the field, but also in post production. As we enter a new year of photo competitions, we asked iLCP Affiliate David Griffin to share his thoughts on image manipulation in his capacity as Secretary of the General Jury of the World Press Photo competition which opened for new […]

Trudeau cabinet rejects Northern Gateway pipeline

December 12, 2016 10:12 AM
by / Topics: Development, Energy/Industry / Comments Off on Trudeau cabinet rejects Northern Gateway pipeline

“This is a big deal.  The RAVE (Great Bear Rainforest) that Pacific Wild and iLCP carried out in 2010 to bring attention to the Enbridge pipeline issue and the impact that oil tankers would bring to the Great Bear Rainforest culminated in this major victory of a formal declaration of the Canadian federal government to […]

The Fracking Fallacy

November 11, 2016 12:04 PM
by / Topics: Development, Energy/Industry, People and Culture / Comments Off on The Fracking Fallacy

Together with the Environmental Integrity Project, iLCP Fellows Garth Lenz and Karen Kasmasuki set out to eastern USA in order to document the realities of fracking. You can now read the stories of the people being directly impacted by fracking facilities from this new blog by EIP’s Mary Greene here.  

In the Aftermath of the US Election

November 11, 2016 10:21 AM
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Dear Friends of iLCP, As we awake this morning to a new world order, it seems inevitable that our planet will be one the greatest victims of an administration that is expected to show little regard for science and the environment and that rather, will push for expansion of, and have the zealous support of […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Laurent Geslin

November 11, 2016 11:06 AM
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Laurent Geslin is a professional photographer working mainly on environmental issues.While studying history of art, he discovered classic photographers such as Cartier Bresson, Raymond Depardon and Martin Parr. His passion for wildlife soon led him to the work of Stephen Dalton and Michael Nick Nichols. After being a naturalist guide in France, South Africa and […]

Release of the Gibbon

October 10, 2016 01:48 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Wildlife / Comments Off on Release of the Gibbon

iLCP Fellow Paul Jan Hilton has been in the field documenting releasing Javan Gibbons, read about it on National Geographic Voices. “As the clouds languidly clear over a rainforest in West Java, Indonesia, the haunting serenity of the scene before me is suddenly pierced by the unmistakable clamor of gibbon song. It’s a sound that […]

Changing Arctic: On the board of Healy Icebreaker

October 10, 2016 11:40 AM
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Read Associate Fellow Esther Horvath’s work in the Arctic on the melting ice on National Geographic Voices.

Robin Moore: No Filter Podcast

October 10, 2016 11:17 AM
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  iLCP Fellow Robin Moore launched his new podcast – No Filter ( – You can listen to his first conversations with iLCP Fellow Annie Griffiths and Brian Skerry. Head over to iTunes and subscribe!  “I hope these conversations will become a valuable resource for all aspiring and emerging photographers looking to chart their course and use their photography […]

Pangolins on the Brink

September 09, 2016 04:08 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Pangolins on the Brink

iLCP Fellow Paul Jan Hilton has been in the field documenting the plight of the pangolin, read about it on National Geographic Voices. Over 180 nations approved today, Wednesday, September 28, proposals to protect all eight species of pangolin, including a ban on all trade of live pangolin, pangolin meat and scales under Appendix 1. […]

Return of the Ghost Cat

July 07, 2016 01:00 PM
by / Topics: Big Cats / Comments Off on Return of the Ghost Cat

iLCP Fellow Laurent Geslin published images in conjunction with Mike Unwin for bioGraphic. Follow his story, documenting the elusive Eurasian lynx. Read it here. “I knew he must be close when the call stopped,” explains French wildlife photographer Laurent Geslin, recounting the moment in January 2011 when he first laid eyes on a wild Eurasian lynx. […]

Conservation Through the Camera Lens

July 07, 2016 10:00 AM
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A Travellers Journey interviewed Executive Director Alexandra Garcia on iLCP and our conservation photography.

iLCP Featured Fellow – David Showalter

July 07, 2016 02:12 PM
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iLCP Associate Fellow David Showalter is based in Colorado, USA, where he focuses on the grasslands, sagebrush, and alpine ecosystems of the American West.Dave’s new book, titled “Sage Spirit, The American West At A Crossroads” was published by Braided River Publishing in July, 2015. The NGO partners that Dave works with are Audubon Rockies, The Wilderness […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Staffan Widstrand

June 06, 2016 12:57 PM
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iLCP Senior Fellow Staffan Widstrand was born 1959. Early in his career he was a picture editor, a nature tour guide and a nature tour production manager. Since 1990 he has been a full time independent professional photographer, working in long term projects. The winner of numerous international photography and book prizes and awards (11 in the Wildlife Photographer […]

Let’s Talk About Responsible Nature Photography

April 04, 2016 12:30 PM
by / Topics: Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism / Comments Off on Let’s Talk About Responsible Nature Photography

Alexandra Garcia, Executive Director of the International League of Conservation Photographers sat down with, a full-featured mobile photo editor, collage maker, drawing tool and a social network for artists, to talk about Responsible Nature Photography. Do nature photographers hold a responsibility to raise awareness about environmental issues, to protect the very nature that they so often […]

In Memory of Bob Rozinski

April 04, 2016 01:52 PM
by / Topics: Events, Health, People and Culture / Comments Off on In Memory of Bob Rozinski

iLCP has the misfortune to announce that Founding Fellow Bob Rozinski passed away in his sleep on Saturday April, 16th after losing his battle with cancer. As full time professional wildlife photographers, Bob and Wendy described themselves as “a rare breed”. Bob was truly a force in the conservation community and will be sorely missed for his […]

Think Before You “Save Image As”

April 04, 2016 03:56 PM
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Last month, iLCP Senior Fellows Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump for his campaign’s unlicensed use of one of their bald eagle images. I won’t go into the details of the suit because I don’t know any more than what is already in the public domain and that can be […]

Africa’s Rangers at the Frontline of the Poaching War

April 04, 2016 11:14 AM
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iLCP Associate Fellow Peter Chadwick has spent many years in the field with Africa’s Rangers. “I have been privileged to have worked with many ranger teams across Africa. I have selected, trained, mentored and labored alongside them and have proudly watched their careers develop. I have patrolled with them in the fight against poaching and […]

News from the Indonesia

April 04, 2016 11:04 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Development, People and Culture, Rainforests, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on News from the Indonesia

iLCP Associate Fellow Paul Hilton has published two new articles on conservation efforts in Indonesia. His first article, Sumatra’s Orang-utans: Chocolate’s Road to Freedom, follows the story of Chocolate and his journey from captivity with traders to his eventual release back into the wild. –“We arrive at the release site and head straight over to […]

Understanding Urban Coyotes

April 04, 2016 11:06 AM
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With the Urban Coyote expedition in the beginning stages this article looks at where it all began and where it aims to go. You can read more on The Natural History of the Urban Coyote and see some of the science and imagery that looks to help more fully understand the coyote. “Combining the latest urban […]

In Memory of Gary Braasch

March 03, 2016 10:36 AM
by / Topics: Climate Change, Events, Health, People and Culture, Photojournalism / Comments Off on In Memory of Gary Braasch

iLCP Founding Fellow Gary Braasch died suddenly and unexpectedly on March 6, 2016 while snorkeling on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and conducting the climate change research that he was so devoted to. Gary was a tremendously vibrant member of the iLCP community, respected not only for his generosity of spirit and good humor, but also […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Alison Jones

March 03, 2016 06:37 PM
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March 01, 2016 iLCP Senior Fellow Alison Jones is spearheading the No Water No Life project. In efforts to raise awareness of the vital importance of freshwater resources, perils of watershed degradation and opportunities for sustainable resource management, Alison Jones and her team are working with photography, scientific research, and stakeholders to make real and […]

National Parks: Celebrating a Sentinel of American Memory

February 02, 2016 11:58 AM
by / Topics: Deserts, Landscapes, Mountains, People and Culture / Comments Off on National Parks: Celebrating a Sentinel of American Memory

iLCP Fellow Krista Schlyer reflects on her memories of US National Parks, as she launches her latest book: “Almost Anywhere.”

Understanding Natural Order and Environmental Chaos via Photography

February 02, 2016 04:04 PM
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How can we best educate global audiences about the chaos we are imposing on the beautiful, complex, and inherent order of nature?

Historic Agreement to Protect the Great Bear Rainforest

February 02, 2016 11:19 AM
by / Topics: Development, Events, Fisheries, Freshwater, Marine, Mountains, People and Culture, Rainforests, Watersheds, Wildlife / Comments Off on Historic Agreement to Protect the Great Bear Rainforest

An area larger than Vancouver Island will be conserved and set aside from forestry well into the future.

Peru Affords Full Protection to World’s Largest Known Manta Population

January 01, 2016 10:43 AM
by / Topics: Fisheries, People and Culture, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Peru Affords Full Protection to World’s Largest Known Manta Population

iLCP Fellow Shawn Heinrichs writes about his work with WildAid leading to the protection of the manta ray in Peru.

Saving the Dalmatian Pelican

December 12, 2015 01:27 PM
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Skadar Lake is the biggest lake on the Balkan Peninsula, a transboundary wetland of international importance shared by Montenegro and Albania. The lake hosts a small breeding colony of Dalmatian pelicans (Pelecanus crispus), one of the largest birds in the world and classified as Vulnerable at an international level. Since the 17th century, 80% of the Dalmatian Pelican’s breeding sites have disappeared, and today, its presence in Europe is limited to only 13 wetlands in the Balkans and the Caucasus.

A Guide to Saving One of the Last Great Ecosystems

December 12, 2015 12:33 PM
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“Forest fires are choking massive areas of this country, and pose threats to the critically important Leuser Ecosystem and its wildlife.”

Origin Magazine features iLCP Fellows

December 12, 2015 11:35 AM
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Who did Origin Magazine name as the World’s top wildlife, nature and culture photographers?

Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Proposal Killed

November 11, 2015 02:39 PM
by / Topics: Development, Energy/Industry, Marine, People and Culture, Rainforests / Comments Off on Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Proposal Killed

Our iLCP partners in British Columbia celebrate the cancellation of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline proposal.

Good News for Coíba!

October 10, 2015 01:33 AM
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Panama commits to wide ranging protection of Coíba and the surrounding area.

The Forgotten Elephants of the Leuser Ecosystem

September 09, 2015 04:27 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Development, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on The Forgotten Elephants of the Leuser Ecosystem

The future of the critically endangered Sumatran elephant hangs on a thread. Palm oil plantations have converted 90 percent of prime Sumatran elephant habitat to a monoculture desert. The lowland rainforests of the Leuser Ecosystem are the world’s best remaining habitat for the Sumatran elephant yet they are being bulldozed, often illegally, for palm oil everyday.

Fish Spawning Aggregations: an illusion of plenty

September 09, 2015 03:03 PM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, Multimedia, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Fish Spawning Aggregations: an illusion of plenty

Spawning aggregations give the illusion of plenty, as millions of fish gather in one place. But as harvesting keeps growing, fish populations keep diminishing. Is collapse inevitable?

Salamanders Lost, Found and Saved

September 09, 2015 02:53 PM
by / Topics: Amphibians, Macro, Mountains, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on Salamanders Lost, Found and Saved

iLCP Fellow Robin Moore led an expedition to find species missing for decades in the remote cloud forests of northwest Guatemala.

iLCP Featured Fellow – Robert Glenn Ketchum

September 09, 2015 12:57 AM
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Read our interview with Robert Glenn Ketchum, our iLCP’s Featured Fellow for October and November 2015.

Mesoamerican Race to Protect Parrotfish and the Reef

August 08, 2015 03:31 AM
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Why are the beautiful birds of the reef, the parrotfish, such a key to the ecosystem’s rejuvenation?

Arrecife Vivo / A Thriving Reef – video

August 08, 2015 09:51 PM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, Multimedia, People and Culture, Science, Uncategorized, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Arrecife Vivo / A Thriving Reef – video

The Mesoamerican Reef is a wonder of nature. Unfortunately, this valuable ecosystem is under threat. Our target and commitment is to make sure that 20 percent of the reef is protected by no-take zones. You too can play a big role in preserving this very special place. Please download this video and share it with your networks. We want communities living along the entire coast of the Mesoamerican Reef to see it!

Welcome to the MAR – video

August 08, 2015 09:46 PM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, Multimedia, People and Culture, Science, Uncategorized, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Welcome to the MAR – video

The Mesoamerican Reef is a popular tourist destination. Sadly, this precious ecosystem faces many threats. Local communities are doing their part to protect the MAR. Tourists can play a big role in helping to preserve this special place too.

Fishy Parents Rejoice: Grades Rise, Few Fails on Caribbean’s Original Coral Reef Report Card

August 08, 2015 12:35 AM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, Underwater / Comments Off on Fishy Parents Rejoice: Grades Rise, Few Fails on Caribbean’s Original Coral Reef Report Card

A report card from iLCP Partner Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, for the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere – the Mesoamerican reef flanking the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras – gives hope that it may earn this year’s award for “most improved,” or perhaps “happiest fish.” This article was created in […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Boyd Norton

August 08, 2015 12:01 AM
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Meet our iLCP Featured Fellow for Aug-Sept 2015, Boyd Norton.

Coíba’s Discoveries Reach the Panamanian Press

June 06, 2015 01:29 AM
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News about the exciting discoveries from iLCP’s expedition to Coíba island in Panama have reached the Panamanian press as well. Click here for an article from the newspaper La Estrella de Panama. At iLCP we feel that our most important audience needs to be the local population, and we are thankful to La Autoridad Nacional del […]

Coíba featured in Trópicos Magazine

May 05, 2015 09:15 PM
by / Topics: Amphibians, Assignments, Flora, Insects, Landscapes, Rainforests, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on Coíba featured in Trópicos Magazine

Trópicos, the magazine of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), features an article about iLCP’s expedition to Coíba Island in Panama, where iLCP Fellows Christian Ziegler and Tim Laman are working throughout 2015.  In February 2015, in collaboration with STRI, Christian Ziegler lead a team of 30 scientists to Coíba, to undertake a full BioBlitz […]

iLCP Marks the International Day for Biological Diversity

May 05, 2015 03:19 AM
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May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity, an ideal moment for the International League of Conservation Photographers to bring attention to our ongoing Photographic Expedition to the Island of Coíba, in Panama.  Biodiversity is at the very heart of this effort, which aims to complete a photographic and biological survey of this largely […]

Development Halted in the Sacred Headwaters

May 05, 2015 03:11 AM
by / Topics: Energy/Industry, Fisheries, Freshwater, Mountains, People and Culture, Watersheds, Wildlife / Comments Off on Development Halted in the Sacred Headwaters

After a decade of fighting, all major development has halted in the Sacred Headwaters.

Pangolin Prison – Part II

May 05, 2015 09:17 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Pangolin Prison – Part II

iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton assists at the incineration of 5 tons of pangolins slaughtered by poachers in Sumatra.

Pangolin Prison

May 05, 2015 09:12 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Pangolin Prison

iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton documents the bust of a massive pangolin smuggling operation in Sumatra.

Women Lead on Conservation in Nepal

April 04, 2015 02:08 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Health, People and Culture, Rainforests / Comments Off on Women Lead on Conservation in Nepal

Education about health, the environment and conservation helps women out of poverty in Nepal.

Orangutan Rescue in the Land of the Chainsaw

April 04, 2015 09:36 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Wildlife / Comments Off on Orangutan Rescue in the Land of the Chainsaw

As oil palm plantations continue devastating Indonesia’s rainforests, animals like the orangutan are left with ever-decreasing, and impoverished habitats, threatening their survival.

The Global Reef Expedition: Palau

March 03, 2015 03:05 PM
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iLCP Fellow Keith Ellenbogen reports from our Palau Expedition with partner the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.

The Karoo Predator Project

February 02, 2015 04:01 AM
by / Topics: Wildlife / Comments Off on The Karoo Predator Project

The farmer-predator conflict is a complex topic and to conserve wildlife, one must work with local people first, and gain their trust.

Pangolin Poachers

February 02, 2015 03:47 AM
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iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton goes to the source of the pangolin poaching black market in Indonesia.

A Wild Ride

November 11, 2014 07:53 PM
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“Wilderness, I have come to learn, is the great teacher. To live is to pay attention, and in wilderness, this is not only possible, it’s palpable.”

Hair Bands and Giant Trousers: A Lesson in How Little I Know About Bees

October 10, 2014 05:55 PM
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We must now carefully examine our native pollinators […] Chances are, this will result in some mental recalibration regarding our dear old friend the honey bee and the burden that we have placed solely upon its fuzzy little thorax.

Life in the Great Barrier Reef

October 10, 2014 06:30 PM
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“Diving with 15 coral, fish, and shark scientists to survey the GBR for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation we visited reefs no dive tourist will ever get to see.”

WWF’s Living Planet Report echoed on the Great Barrier Reef

October 10, 2014 05:59 PM
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For decades, the Great Barrier Reef has enjoyed World Heritage Status and been synonymous with diving, tourism and with Australia. But in May of this year, UNESCO threatened to downgrade the Great Barrier Reef to the World Heritage ‘In Danger’ list.

Photographing the Global Reef Expedition: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

October 10, 2014 05:52 PM
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Joining the Living Oceans Foundation’s Great Barrier Reef mission was a wonderful opportunity to revisit and photograph remote and hardly visited coral reefs very few are lucky to see.

Moving Slowly to Capture the Swift Fox

October 10, 2014 02:28 PM
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“It was difficult because they are mostly nocturnal, they live in holes in the ground, and their location changes all the time,”[…] “It’s like playing “Whac-A-Mole” at the county fair. It’s failure most of the time.”

The Coral Triangle: Amazon of the Oceans

September 09, 2014 04:13 PM
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“The individuals in these images were the first people I met who had spent more time at sea than on land, and something in that resonated with me, so I ended up staying.”

Transforming Indonesia’s Manta Fisheries

September 09, 2014 04:00 PM
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“Indonesia announced the creation of the world’s largest manta sanctuary in February 2014.[…] But this new declaration raises an obvious question – how will Indonesia make such a regulation effective?”

Energy East Pipeline: Risking Eastern Canada’s Natural Heritage

September 09, 2014 08:08 PM
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It is pretty clear why industry wants the pipelines, but how does the general population benefit and what are we giving up?

Wilderness: As It Was in the Beginning

September 09, 2014 03:27 PM
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“To me, The Wilderness Act may be the most hopeful piece of legislation ever passed, based on one of the noblest ideas humanity has ever conjured.”

The Last Spring: Protecting Florida’s Manatees

August 08, 2014 04:34 PM
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In 2013 a record 829 manatee deaths were attributed to cold shock, underscoring the importance of these last few springs to this endangered mammal’s survival.

Conservation Photographers Support Photographer David Slater’s Copyright in Black Macaque Photograph

August 08, 2014 05:52 PM
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As an organization that aims to promote and protect the interests of all photographers, iLCP strongly supports David Slater and all photographers whose images are being used without their explicit consent by groups like Wikimedia. For our official statement on this issue please click here.

Poaching Crisis in Sumatra

July 07, 2014 02:03 PM
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Habitat loss, poaching and conflict with humans combine to see more and more elephants displaced, snared, shot and poisoned as they attempt to travel along the migration corridors their herds have been following for generations.

Absaroka-Beartooth Front: Yellowstone’s wild front porch

July 07, 2014 05:25 PM
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“Thanks in great part to Showalter and iLCP’s 2011 expedition’s focus on the Absaroka-Beartooth Front, nearly 1 million acres beyond the 1.4 million acres of already-protected wilderness in Wyoming are to be exempt from oil and gas development.”

Healthy Reefs and Healthy Communities

June 06, 2014 12:41 PM
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“Though I didn’t speak Spanish, I knew these people’s concerns because those of us raised by the sea speak the same language.”

Cowboys and Indians Stand Together Against Keystone XL

May 05, 2014 06:03 PM
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“… Reject and Protect, a five-day gathering of the Cowboy Indian Alliance: a coalition of tribal members, ranchers, and landowners which over the past forty years has come together again and again to fight industrial incursions onto their land.”

Diggers in the Dark

May 05, 2014 10:03 AM
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They are rarely seen, even by people who live in close proximity to them. In fact, the only real sign of their existence is often the presence of large, unexplained holes in the ground.

Protected Natural Area for Sale

May 05, 2014 09:55 AM
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If negative press around the sale of Portland Bight Protected Area could influence whether tourists choose to visit Jamaica or take their vacations elsewhere, this just could tip the scales in averting an ecological catastrophe.

Saving Goat Islands!

April 04, 2014 03:15 PM
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“One of the largest questions surrounding the proposed project is, why, when alternative sites such as the existing Kingston Harbour exist, has Portland Bight Protected Area been chosen? “

Michele Westmorland’s Headhunt Revisited on National Geographic News Watch

April 04, 2014 05:28 PM
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Art that spans oceans and decades…

Asociación Mundial de Fotógrafos de Naturaleza Preocupados por Amenazas del Parque Eólico Chiloé

April 04, 2014 03:10 PM
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An article in Spanish from our partner, Centro de Conservación Cetacea, about our Chiloé Expedition. Our partners in Chile are now using the material created by iLCP Fellow Chris Linder to launch the Save Mar Brava campaign and promote a sustainable approach to development in the area. For full article click here.  

Conflict Coast: Mozambique’s Primeiras E Segundas Archipelago

February 02, 2014 06:27 PM
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Empty-handed, fisherman Fome Ali Buri gestures out to sea with the words “It’s over. The ocean is finished. When we fish, all we catch is sand.”

On the Trail of the Pygmy Raccoon

February 02, 2014 03:46 PM
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“Every species, in my view, deserves its own headlines, especially one like this, perched on the edge of oblivion.”

Photographing the End of the Kreef

February 02, 2014 06:51 PM
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“It is currently estimated that numbers of rock lobster on the West Coast of South Africa are perilously low, at only three percent of their original pre-exploitation or pristine levels.”

An Interview with iLCP Fellow Chris Linder

February 02, 2014 06:31 PM
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“I believe that people will ultimately make the right choices. The problem is, they may not even be aware of the issues. That’s where conservation photographers come in.”

An Interview with Alexandra Garcia

January 01, 2014 07:18 PM
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A great image will capture a story. If you asked our photographers, many would tell you that first and foremost they are storytellers. The photographs that they take do more than document the facts; they are a basis for a whole narrative.

An Interview with iLCP

January 01, 2014 09:04 PM
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“What drives all of our iLCP photographers, staff and partners, is a great passion for our planet and all of the beings upon it.”

Kevin Schafer and the Pygmy Raccoon

January 01, 2014 08:50 PM
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“This critically endangered species is tiny, adorable and found on just one island on the planet — with only about 500 of them left. So what are we doing to save them?”

4000 species of North American Bees

January 01, 2014 05:57 PM
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“It is time for Americans to recognize the important contributions and charming nature of our native bees. Not only do they make it possible for crops to grow, but many also happen to be visually appealing as well, which is a nice plus for anyone.”

Shawn Heinrichs Researches Manta Rays

December 12, 2013 04:33 PM
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“There is still so much we don’t know about mantas — their daily and seasonal movements, population sizes and dynamics, where they reproduce and how tourism impacts their behavior.”

Octavio Aburto’s Close Encounter with Crocodiles

December 12, 2013 03:57 PM
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“When I turned around, it was nearly over me, and I had to wedge my camera between the crocodile and myself. Although there was very little time to think about what was happening, I never felt that the animal would attack me.”

iLCP Photos Help Save the Great Bear Rainforest

December 12, 2013 04:07 PM
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“It doesn’t matter how many millions of dollars Enbridge may spend on ads, we know that our real wealth lies in clean, nutritious fish and sustainable coastal jobs.” – Luanne Roth, Prince Rupert resident

Oregon Expedition in Outside Magazine

November 11, 2013 05:39 PM
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This campaign was designed to conserve ancient forests in SW Oregon by securing a range of conservation designations, from wilderness and wild rivers to restored watersheds and rehabilitated forest—all with species conservation as the primary goal.

Idaho Blog – The Heart of the Monster

October 10, 2013 07:59 PM
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We are ‘Iceyéeyenim mamáy’ac – “children of the Coyote.”
We are Cuupn’itpel’uu – “the people who walked out of the mountains.”
We are Nimi’ipuu – “the people.”

Place Matters – Amy Gulick Reports from the Clearwater Basin Expedition

October 10, 2013 05:30 PM
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While people here hold varying points of view on what activities should or shouldn’t be allowed on these lands entrusted to all Americans, all of them told me how important the rivers, mountains, and forests are to their way of life.

Clearwater Basin Expedition Featured on the National Geographic News Watch Blog

October 10, 2013 05:29 PM
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For years, there has been an ongoing struggle here between wilderness conservationists and timber corporations, between backpackers and the off-road vehicle recreation industry, between divergent interests of local communities.

What’s a Danajon Bank?

October 10, 2013 10:21 PM
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Claudio Contreras-Koob, Thomas Peschak, Luciano Candisani, and I traveled from Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and the US, respectively, to photograph this little known but extremely important place.

Danajon Bank Expediton on the National Geographic News Watch Blog

October 10, 2013 10:10 PM
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When I first learned of plans for this iLCP expedition I asked what most anyone would ask — What’s a Danajon Bank? […] The area was a complete unknown. For most of the world, […] this unique biological treasure is unfamiliar — but it shouldn’t be

Expedition Clearwater Basin Blog – The Salmon Spawn

September 09, 2013 12:33 PM
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In her second blog from our Clearwater Basin Photographic Expedition, Krista Schlyer brings us one of nature’s most incredible spectacles, the salmon spawn.

Great Plains –America’s Lingering Wild Documentary Goes National

September 09, 2013 09:48 PM
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Based on iLCP Fellow Michael Forsberg’s award-winning book of the same name, “Great Plains” will be shown nationally on PBS as a two-part series: Great Plains: America’s Lingering Wild: A Long Hard Struggle (Part 1) and We Live With the Land (Part 2)

Krista Schlyer reports from the Clearwater Basin Expedition

September 09, 2013 04:15 PM
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iLCP Fellow Krista Schlyer reports from the field, from our Clearwater Basin Photographic Expedition in Idaho.

Healing Okinoshima Island – Restoring a sacred Japanese landscape overrun by rats

September 09, 2013 05:18 PM
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“Globally, over the last 500 years, 80 per cent of all extinctions have occurred on islands as a result of the deliberate or inadvertent introduction of invasive species. Feral Goats, cats and rats are the usual suspects.”

Clear Water or Clear Cut for Oregon?

September 09, 2013 02:20 PM
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Big decisions are looming for management of 2.8 million acres of Oregon’s public forestlands […] Because legislation concerning management of the so-called O&C lands could end up up undermining some of our nation’s bedrock environmental laws.

Outdoor Photographer Magazine: Continental Divide

July 07, 2013 10:56 PM
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It’s […] a place where the future of several endangered species depends upon the connectivity of the region. […] They’ll face a wall, and extinction. As individual species of the borderlands are impacted, entire ecosystems unravel.

Miguel Angel de la Cueva in Mexico Desconocido

June 06, 2013 01:54 PM
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The May 2013 issue of México Desconocido Magazine features an article on the book “La Giganta y Guadalupe,” a conservation editorial project to enforce the creation of a 3,500,000 + acres biosphere reserve proposal in the Baja California peninsula, with images from iLCP Fellow Miguel Angel de la Cueva and texts by biodiversity expert Exequiel […]

Where Are the Predators of the Gambier Islands?

May 05, 2013 05:55 PM
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“While stable, self-perpetuating underwater communities were found in the Gambier Islands, a worrying trend was observed […] a significantly low population of fish, espespecially predators in many area.”

Saving Serengeti – by Amy Gulick and Boyd Norton

May 05, 2013 02:33 PM
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The Maasai call it siringet, which means extended or endless, a place that goes on forever. The United Nations calls it a World Heritage Site. Photographer Boyd Norton calls it The Eternal Beginning, the title of his recent book. But he also calls it

Above the Ground with iLCP Fellow Dave Showalter

May 05, 2013 02:16 PM
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“Flying over many places in the West, I’m struck by how crowded things look from the air… the aerial perspective reveals the interface of private and public lands.”

Baby Animals in the Wild – by Suzi Eszterhas

March 03, 2013 06:25 PM
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Suzi Eszterhas’ baby animals featured in Popular Photography Magazine.

Garth and Paul Check In From Oregon

February 02, 2013 04:48 PM
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Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor fire will keep these iLCP Photographers from capturing enduring images of O&C Lands in Oregon!

Michele Westmorland Blogs About Marine Worms in French Polynesia

January 01, 2013 03:48 PM
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“Polychaetes worms live everywhere from the abyssal deep sea to the splashy intertidal, boiling hot water springs to Antarctic ice sheets. There are over 8000 species and they may be the most numerous creatures in the sea!”

Michele Westmorland Blogs From the iLCP Photographic Expedition in French Polynesia

January 01, 2013 10:39 PM
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iLCP photographer Michele Westmorland is currently taking part in a coral reef research expedition in the Gambier Islands of French Polynesia. The research is being carried out by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, a US based non-profit

Lost World – Below the Great Bear, with Ian McAllister

January 01, 2013 03:51 PM
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“On the outer coast dives, with the storm surge and strong currents it was a challenge to not get thrown into urchin and barnacle encrusted walls, but throw in a large underwater camera housing and strobes and it gets really interesting.”

Garth Lenz Featured in American Photo Magazine

December 12, 2012 09:00 PM
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iLCP photographer Garth Lenz featured in American Photo Magazine.

Oil and Gas Development Banned in British Columbia’s Sacred Headwaters

December 12, 2012 07:25 PM
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iLCP’s efforts to bring attention to the protection of British Columbia’s Sacred Headwaters contribute to securing permanent protection for the area.

Fighting to Save the Spoon-billed Sandpiper

December 12, 2012 07:24 PM
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Few birds have fallen so far and so fast toward extinction as the spoon-billed sandpiper. iLCP affiliate Gerrit Vyn follows this rare bird to tell us about conservation efforts to save it.

Stories from Marataba: Babe the Bushpig

December 12, 2012 07:08 PM
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“Woven into this dream are a host of characters in the Marataba web of life. In the last post, I mentioned a bush pig that had had a run in with Lightning, our “friendly” leopard. It was a male bush pig, silver in colour, who, since the incident, had been a frequent visitor to our […]

The Shark Trade of the Arabian Sea

December 12, 2012 06:48 PM
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iLCP Fellow Tom Peschak’s photo essay on the shark trade in the Arabian Sea reveals the devastating impact on this part of the world to feed the appetite for shark fin soup in the Far East.

Lobster Fishing in the Mosquitia Reef

November 11, 2012 09:55 PM
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This will be the last “commercial diving lobster season.” After that, however, hundreds of divers will be left jobless.

Kevin FitzPatrick: October iLCP Photographer of the Month

October 10, 2012 06:41 PM
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“I have learned how the engage both scientists and the general public through photography.”

iLCP Associate Robin Moore wins in the Sony Art of Expression Photography Competition

October 10, 2012 03:56 PM
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iLCP Associate Robin Moore has just been announced as a Winner of the third Sony Art of Expression Photo Contest, in the One World in Focus Theme, for his dramatic black and white image of a white rhino and zebra taken in Laikipia, Kenya.

British Columbia’s Sacred Headwaters Under Threat of Mining Development

October 10, 2012 03:39 PM
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National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis describes the Sacred Headwaters – where three of British Columbia’s greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed. The area is under threat by mining developments. Featuring photos by Paul Colangelo. To see the video, click on the READ ARTICLE link above and to learn more and help, please visit

National Geographic Explorers Journal: Surviving Todagin

October 10, 2012 03:22 PM
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National Geographic Explorers Journal features a three-part series on iLCP photographer Paul Colangelo’s project, Surviving Todagin, which aims to protect habitat thought to have the world’s highest density of Stone’s sheep.

Saving the Wilderness of Flathead River Valley

September 09, 2012 03:37 PM
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Featured today in the Health and Science section of the Washington Post is a review of the efforts to save the Flathead River Valley, target of an iLCP Rave in 2009. It is great to see the images from our iLCP photographers continuing to have impact on the campaigns to preserve this spectacular region of […]

Frame of Mind Haiti

September 09, 2012 01:21 PM
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Frame of Mind, an initiative recently founded by iLCP Associate Fellows Robin Moore and Neil Ever Osborne empowers youth around the world to connect with their natural and cultural worlds through photography and visual storytelling. We are excited to announce the release of this video documenting Frame of Mind Haiti produced by iLCP Affiliate Jenny […] Saving Monarch Butterflies

September 09, 2012 03:29 PM
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Beautiful Monarch butterflies are often called the “king of butterflies” because of their large wingspan and vibrant colors. The species is also known for their remarkable 2,000 mile journey from North America to a few specific mountain tops …

National Geographic: Seamounts

August 08, 2012 07:55 PM
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“Sealed in our submersible, DeepSee, we wait, watching the crew on Argo’s deck shout orders to each other—a movie without a sound track. Then we are untied, drifting, a tiny dot on the immense Pacific Ocean. ….”

Mexican President revokes “Cabo Cortés” mega development

June 06, 2012 09:48 PM
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The great question now is if we will be able to, as a society and government, replicate the example of Cabo Pulmo.

World Oceans Day 2012

June 06, 2012 01:41 PM
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It’s World Oceans Day.  Learn about some of the challenges of maintaining a healthy Ocean in this piece created with The Center for Ocean Solutions in 2010.  The issues raised are still relevant. The Center for Ocean Solutions and iLCP joined forces to create a multimedia production about the effect of climate change on the […]

Honduran President Burns Shark Fins, Reinforces Marine Sanctuary

June 06, 2012 03:46 PM
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With the Honduran declaration of its entire maritime waters as a shark sanctuary, the President provides legal protection to sharks.

Marine Protected Areas Proposed in Abrolhos

May 05, 2012 05:12 PM
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The images have also been used in a series of campaigns and scientific work done to support the proposed increase in protected areas.

The Northernmost Mangrove Forest

May 05, 2012 08:02 PM
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The geographical northern limit of the red mangrove is a small forest on Isla Coronado

iLCP at International Conservation Caucus Foundation Oceans Gala

May 05, 2012 05:07 AM
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iLCP is proud to work with some of the world’s most influential conservation photographers to educate and inform policymakers around the globe about the ecological, economic and social importance of our planet’s oceans.

Oceans: Heart of Our Blue Planet wins GOLD IPPY AWARD!

May 05, 2012 05:01 AM
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OCEANS: HEART OF OUR BLUE PLANET, the 19th volume in the CEMEX Conservation Book Series, looks at the many ways in which all life on Earth depends on a healthy ocean.

Congratulations to iLCP photographers Thomas D. Mangelsen, Robin Moore, and Florian Schulz

May 05, 2012 05:01 AM
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Tom’s, Robin’s, and Florian’s work will be displayed as part of Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards Exhibition.

Bringing Conservation Into Focus

May 05, 2012 04:51 AM
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An Update from Executive Director Tom Skeele It is week four of my new job as executive director of the International League of Conservation Photographers, and oh what a week it has been.  In this newsletter, you will find noteworthy updates from a week in the life of iLCP, relevant to each of our four […]

Sustainable Practices from Fisherman to Fisherman

May 05, 2012 04:18 AM
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This is a great story of local fishers realizing the ecological, economic and societal value of conserving their marine ecosystem.

“The Last Lions” on The Today Show

April 04, 2012 06:12 PM
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iLCP Fellow Beverly Joubert discusses “The Last Lions” on The Today Show.

Six Minutes with Tom Mangelsen

April 04, 2012 06:01 PM
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Tom Mangelsen talks to the New Media Consortium at his gallery in Jackson, Wyoming.

Wade Davis Challenges “Tsunami of Development” in Northern British Columbia

April 04, 2012 05:29 PM
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“We felt the Canadian people should have some say in what is being done in the North.” Because the people won’t or can’t come to the place, “we brought the place to the people,” in the form of the book, he said.

Chasing Ice: Could Time-Lapse Photography Save the Planet?

March 03, 2012 06:22 PM
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“I hope this becomes part of the wake-up call that will jostle people out of their intellectual hibernation,” James says.

A Trip to the Turtle Islands Part II

March 03, 2012 07:53 PM
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She answered in broken English, “I really want to help the world around me to protect the sea turtles — so that we can live peacefully and save Mother Earth.”

A Trip to the Turtle Islands

March 03, 2012 07:24 PM
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One of my most awe-inspiring moments on the Turtle Islands was when I observed and photographed baby sea turtles breaking through the sand and racing to the water’s edge.

The Gunnison Landscape Puzzle

March 03, 2012 05:34 PM
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Gunnison, located in west-central Colorado, is nestled in the sagebrush-covered Gunnison Basin ringed by the Sawatch, West Elk, Elk, and San Juan Mountain Ranges. Both cow town and college town, Gunnison blends ranching with academia and world-class recreation. It’s an iconic Western setting at 7,683 feet and home to the endangered Gunnison Sage-grouse. The bird, […]

The fishing cat wants to swim. Pass it on!

February 02, 2012 11:54 PM
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“Wow!” we thought. Such goals seemed attainable even for two girls who had just rationed their last packet of Oreos.

The Great American Zoo Trip

January 01, 2012 04:17 PM
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Time is running out for many of Earth’s creatures and with 7 billion people on the planet now, wildlife just can’t compete.

Deceptive Beauties – The World of Wild Orchids

January 01, 2012 05:33 PM
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They weren’t structured like any other flowers, and they seemed somehow special in a mysterious way.

Cozumel 2013

January 01, 2012 05:19 PM
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How long will it last before the hungry developers begin to consume this quiet side of Cozumel?

Jenny Ross’ 2011

January 01, 2012 04:25 PM
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This year Jenny has spent lots of time focusing on life both on the ice and off the ice. Her project Life On Thin Ice sponsored over half a dozen lectures educating the public about the arctic and climate change. As well, some of her other photographs were made into posters to aid the National […]

Plight of the polar bear

January 01, 2012 03:56 PM
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If humans continue to burn fossil fuels and pump ever- increasing amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air, arctic temperatures will inevitably continue to rise, and sea ice will surely continue to shrivel.

Bringing Conservation Into Focus

January 01, 2012 04:51 AM
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Newsletter Archives The iLCP e-newsletter is a great way to stay in the know about our work, projects, upcoming events, and the activities of our photographers all around the world. Follow the links below to view past newsletters and then make sure to sign up to receive the next one by email! January 2012 2011 […]

Black Turtle Project, Part 1

December 12, 2011 04:16 PM
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The good news: the black turtles are back. The bad news: so are the poachers.

A Vertical World, The Mountains of the Apennine Chamois

December 12, 2011 04:46 PM
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The lives of these chamois play out in a vertical world.

Reflecting on the Absaroka TIM, November 29

December 12, 2011 09:08 PM
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“It didn’t take me long to realize that the A-B Front is the most important, fully-functioning ecosystem outside of a national park in America.” -Dave

EN Thompson Forum on Global Issues: WATER AND GLOBAL SECURITY

December 12, 2011 08:03 PM
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“Pulse of the Plains: A Photographer’s Journey Connecting Water, Wildlife and Landscape” Michael Forsberg – Tuesday, December 6, 2011 – 7 p.m. Water permeates nearly every natural history and conservation story in North America’s Great Plains.  Photographer Michael Forsberg reflects on his last 15 years of documenting the natural environment and the ever-changing water resources […]

Challenging Science Stereotypes with Science on Ice

December 12, 2011 03:38 PM
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What do you think of when you hear the word “scientist?”

Wild Salmon

November 11, 2011 06:54 PM
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In 1892, Livingston Stone, a Minister and avid fisherman called upon the US government to create a salmon park, saying, “Let us now, at the eleventh hour, take pity on our long persecuted salmon and do him the poor and tardy justice of giving him, in our broad land that he has done so much […]

Restoring the Balance– Restoration of Hope

November 11, 2011 06:48 PM
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Something marvelous is happening in Gwaii Hanaas, Haida Gwaii, it is a conservation endeavor that could grace the classrooms of the elite business schools and their best practice curriculum.

Restoring the Balance – Haida Gwaii TIM

November 11, 2011 01:05 PM
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Great Article by Andrew Wright as part of the Haida Gwaii TIM. “Something marvelous is happening in Gwaii Hanaas, Haida Gwaii, it is a conservation endeavor that could grace the classrooms of the elite business schools and their best practice curriculum.”

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the field 11/12 Shoshone River

November 11, 2011 05:48 PM
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By Dave Showalter Winds roared all night in the Bighorn Basin, offering no clue that winter had arrived at higher elevations. I traveled the North Fork of the Shoshone River with Dave Burke, Park County Commissioner, photographer, and all around nice guy. We looked for grizzly bears that hadn’t denned up yet, spotted rutting bighorn […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the field 11/11 Elk Fork

November 11, 2011 05:48 PM
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By Dave Showalter I joined Cody resident Justin Hawkins for a hike above the Elk Fork, a stream the feeds the North Fork of the Shoshone River. This is Justin’s home field – he supervises the forest campgrounds along the North Fork. We ducked out of the howling wind and ascended a thin trail on […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the field 11/10 Legend Rock

November 11, 2011 05:48 PM
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By Dave Showalter These images at the Legend Rock State Petroglyph Site site near Hamilton Dome date to 12,000 years ago.  Humans have populated and used this landscape since the end of the Pleistocene epoch, living with both land and wildlife. They left behind images for our interpretation and added layers of pecked drawings from […]

Relics: Travels in Nature’s Time Machine

November 11, 2011 01:00 PM
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What would you rather save from extinction: 3 different species of parrots, or a hummingbird, an owl, and a parrot?

Sheep Mountain

October 10, 2011 06:54 PM
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Paradox Valley Just west of Telluride, lies the Paradox Valley, a broad agricultural valley bordered by farms, ranches, red rock canyons, and rivers. Abandoned mines, ghost towns evacuated due to radioactive poisoning, elevated cancer rates, and radioactive tailings for which there is no long term solution dot the landscape, bearing witness to the failed legacy […]

Spirit Bear in New York City

October 10, 2011 04:10 PM
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We set up tripods, we followed guides, we lived on sailboats and tugboats, we were welcomed by the Gitga’at community, we took to the air – swam in the ocean and shimmied on our stomachs with salmon…

The last place you’d want to build a mine – Bristol Bay

October 10, 2011 02:17 PM
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Bristol Bay is America’s last, clean seafood resource. Now that’s a funny place to put a mine. An eye-witness account of the unique beauty and economic value of the region by Photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum.

The Fragile State of Our Environment

October 10, 2011 05:17 PM
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The fragile state of our environment has been a continuous thread throughout my work. – Daniel Beltra

Q&A October Photographer of the Month – Bruno D’Amicis

October 10, 2011 02:52 AM
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Q&A with October 2011 Photographer of the Month Bruno D’Amicis

The Montagna Madre project – Bruno D’Amicis

October 10, 2011 02:52 AM
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“Very few people know of the existence of true wilderness in Europe and even less understand the very strict, but necessary, conservation measures needed to protect this lingering natural heritage” – Bruno

Beluga Whales are beautiful, yet toxic?

October 10, 2011 09:08 PM
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Without Beluga whales, these angels of the Arctic Ocean, the world will surly be a lesser place, and because of Persistent Organic Pollutants they are considered toxic waste in some locations in Canada.

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/29 Bear Track-ing

September 09, 2011 07:03 PM
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I met local Cody wildlife photographer Matt Riebel at the GYC event this week and casually mentioned that I had heard about bear activity on the Pahaska Trail and would like to hike… before I could finish, he says I’m in! Matt and I met at the trailhead in grey dawn light and set out […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/28 Clark’s Fork Canyon

September 09, 2011 07:03 PM
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Today is my ninth day in the field for this leg of the expedition and I was reflecting while hiking in Clark’s Fork Canyon this morning. We had a reception in Cody last night, with 25 Greater Yellowstone Coalition supporters coming out to learn about our Tripods In The Mud Campaign. I’ve met so many […]

Battle to save the Serengeti

September 09, 2011 05:57 PM
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What would be the greatest threat to the Serengeti ecosystem? A commercial highway cutting across northern Serengeti National Park… and it’s scheduled for construction in 2012.

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/27 Greybull Pass

September 09, 2011 03:23 PM
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One of the requirements for this line of work is getting out early and staying out late – night work. I’ve been getting into the Absaroka Range the last few days, hiking to Greybull Pass to see the headwaters of the Greybull River and up to Copper Lakes, the headwaters of Sunlight Creek with Martin […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/23 Clark, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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Thirty miles north of Cody, at the mouth Clark’s Fork Canyon, the town of Clark is a wide spot in the road with houses sprinkled across wind-blown sage flats. Spectacular mountains tilted on their sides form the backdrop. I met Deb Thomas of Powder River Resource Council for a tour of the Clark area and […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/22 Greybull River, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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Cody resident and outstanding fly fisherman Dave Sweet took our small group out for a remarkable fishing outing on the Greybull River, one of the strongholds for the imperiled Yelowstone cutthroat trout. A bluebird day with a wild river running through it. The Greybull flows cold and strong out of the Absaroka Mountains to the […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/21 Pavillion, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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These are some of the strongest people I’ve ever met.

Salmon are amazing but they can’t break dams. You can!

September 09, 2011 05:57 PM
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The message is clear: the government’s old efforts have failed, and we need a new approach.

Rewilding Europe in National Geographic and GEO

August 08, 2011 07:11 PM
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Rewilding Europe, Making Europe a wilder place Bringing back the variety of life for us all to enjoy and exploring new ways for people to earn a fair living from the wild. “25 August 2011 – A 12-page story was published in the September issue of the National Geographic Magazine, Dutch/Belgian edition. NGM Staff writer […]

Great Bear Rainforest Exhibit shines in Prince George

August 08, 2011 06:39 PM
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Bring your family and friends to this free exhibition and film series at UNBC and experience the awe of the incredible flora and fauna of this coastal rainforest.

Ten Years After 9/11 – Canada’s True Cost of Oil

August 08, 2011 04:19 PM
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Garth recently was awarded the First place award for the Social photo competition, Ten Years After Nine/Eleven: Searching for a 21st Century Landscape. Garth’s work on the environmental degradation caused by the Alberta Tar Sands

SDN exhibit press release

August 08, 2011 02:54 PM
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powerHouse Arena, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY

August 20-September 16, 2011, Opening Reception September 10, 2011

Ripple Effect Images

August 08, 2011 10:07 PM
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Ripple Effect Images’ mission is to raise awareness and funding to help empower women and girls in emerging nations around the world. We are currently working with NGOs, ambassadors, corporate leaders, the State Department, and the United Nations.

Platte River Timelapse Project

August 08, 2011 07:19 PM
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Mike Forsberg has teamed up with NET Nebraska producer Mike Farrell to capture time lapse of the Platte River basin – from the Colorado Rockies to the confluence of the Platte and Missouri Rivers to answer “Where does our water come from?”

Q&A with Ian McAllister August 2011 Photographer of the Month

August 08, 2011 08:07 PM
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The Spirit bear is a worthy ambassador of the mystery and magnificence of this rainforest.

Paul Nicklen: Spirit Bear Blog

August 08, 2011 04:27 PM
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” Despite the near-daily downpours here, I have woken up at 4am every day for 18 days to begin the long trek to the hidden post where I hope to photograph one of the rarest animals on Earth: the elusive Spirit or Kermode Bear.” -Paul Nicklen

Q&A with Stefano Unterthiner: Hanuman langur monkeys

August 08, 2011 08:26 PM
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The Hanuman langur is probably one of the most playful spices I’ve ever worked with: the young (but quite often also the sub-adult) spend most of their time running and jumping around. So funny! – Stefano

NG News Watch: Reduce Pollution to Our Waterways: The Chesapeake Bay

July 07, 2011 04:36 PM
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Last December, EPA issued a science-based diet that—if achieved—would reduce pollution to our waterways. Just as progress is underway, powerful forces are working to derail the recovery effort. All of us who love the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams must make our voices heard.

National Geographic: Kermode Bear

July 07, 2011 07:45 PM
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“In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur.”

National Geographic: Kermode Bear

July 07, 2011 07:45 PM
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“In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur.”

Great Bear TIS – partner post

July 07, 2011 04:58 PM
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This tour just reinforced that Enbridge cannot engineer its way out of risk on this one. If Enbridge spills oil nearly once a week in mostly flat, prairie land, what can we expect as it tries to tunnel here through these mountains?

Great Bear TIS – dispatch 3

July 07, 2011 04:58 PM
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David was surprised to see how much more they had cut down since last year.

Great Bear TIS – dispatch 2

July 07, 2011 07:50 PM
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Above the Rockies in a plane, just 82 km (50 miles) east of Prince George, you lose sense of the colossal scale of this range apparent from the ground. The bird’s eye view makes canyons and peaks seem surmountable. But, thinking about how Enbridge Inc. might construct a pipeline through this terrain left me wondering. […]

Great Bear TIS – dispatch 1

June 06, 2011 08:37 PM
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Ever wonder what an alternator does? It converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. In simple terms, the alternator allows you to charge a battery, which in turn, allows you to start an engine. I read more about alternators on Day 1 of the assignment after I received an early phone call from LightHawk volunteer pilot […]

NG News Watch: Dave Showalter

June 06, 2011 03:01 AM
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“LightHawk pilot Mike Conway guided me over known and unfamiliar terrain to photograph the footprint of wind farms and areas planned for development.” – Dave Showalter

A farewell to a wild river

June 06, 2011 06:37 PM
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…Thanks to a populist government who has sold the idea of damming the Amazon’s tributaries as a solution to Brazil’s energy challenges, the walls will go up and the character of this vital ecosystem will be changed forever.

Sacred Headwaters Q&A with Paul Colangelo

June 06, 2011 02:07 PM
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In a rugged knot of mountains in northern British Columbia lies a spectacular valley known to the First Nations as the Sacred Headwaters.

Rally for an Oil-Free Coast, Prince Rupert

May 05, 2011 07:21 PM
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It was a busy, eventful, and inspiring week in Prince Rupert.

Huffington Post: Tripods in the Mud, Manatees

May 05, 2011 01:19 PM
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A flight donated by LightHawk helped Neil Ever Osborne create a current day assessment of this charismatic species and the challenges it faces living in close proximity to heavily populated areas. This partnership between iLCP photographers and LightHawk is a Tripods in the Sky expedition.

Enbridge Pipeline Faces Prospect of Civil Disobedience

May 05, 2011 03:52 PM
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500-Strong Crowd Rallies Outside Northern BC Municipalities Convention in Prince Rupert

“I will put my body in front of it.” – Gerald Amos, councillor, Haisla Nation

National Geographic en Espanol: Cabo Pulmo, la perla del Golfo de California

May 05, 2011 01:23 PM
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The May issue of National Geographic en Español features a story on the Mexican National Park Cabo Pulmo photographed by iLCP Associate Octavio Aburto. For 15 years, Cabo Pulmo has not had any fishing activity, and has become the only marine area that researchers are using to test hypotheses about the Gulf of California’s health. […]

Photo essay: 12 epic scenes from Patagonia’s wildest, most threatened terrain

May 05, 2011 02:40 PM
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Aysén is Chile’s third-largest region, about the size of Tennessee, and the most sparsely populated. It’s among the most remote and undisturbed areas of Patagonia, and could be changed forever by the largest hydroelectric project in the history of Chile. THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER FOREST. This is the largest river in Chile. These are […]

Flight Talk with Volunteer Pilot Bruce McGregor: Manatee TIS

May 05, 2011 07:27 PM
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Why did you decide to donate a flight for iLCP photographer Neil Ever Osborne to document manatees in Florida’s coastal waters? Beyond my desire to support environmental causes through LightHawk missions, I have a special fondness for manatees. My experience swimming among them (prior to the current interaction restrictions, of course) revealed their gentle and […]

Alison Jones: Photographer of the Month Q&A

May 05, 2011 06:51 PM
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I kept saying, “Where there’s no water, there’s no life.” Thus began a long-term project that combines all elements of my life and photographic career.

National Geographic: Ocean Hero: Brian Skerry

April 04, 2011 02:09 PM
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“I love the creative process – the ability to interpret nature photographically and share stories with people about what I have seen.”

Pacific Wild Launches New Animated Film on the Great Bear Rainforest

April 04, 2011 10:24 PM
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a beautiful short animation focusing on the whales of the Great Bear Rainforest

An Interview with Sandesh Kadur

April 04, 2011 04:03 PM
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From behind his camera, Sandesh Kadur sees the world from a very different angle. His passion for wildlife sets him apart and has earned him worldwide respect as one of the most promising photographers and documentary filmmakers of his generation.

Shooting From the Heart — Daisy Gilardini’s Wildlife Photography (VIDEO)

March 03, 2011 06:07 PM
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“Daisy Gilardini has a remarkable ability to establish a visual intimacy with the animals she photographs.”

Enbridge Ready for its Close-up: Pipeline Sparks Creative & Cultural Movement

March 03, 2011 04:40 PM
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Great Bear Rainforest event at the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIMFF) February 2011

The Yes Men Strike Again: Hair Salons Can’t Protect Against the Effects of Oil Spills

March 03, 2011 04:28 PM
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The Yes Men strike again!

Partial Authorization for Cabo Cortes

March 03, 2011 02:16 PM
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Partial approval to begin construction of the mega resort, Cabo Cortes in Cabo Pulmo, Baja.

Oil Pipelines and Spirit Bears

March 03, 2011 08:08 PM
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At the conclusion of the film, a narrator asks the viewer to telephone the prime minister’s office to urge the government to introduce an oil tanker ban on B.C. north coast.

The Last Lions

March 03, 2011 01:38 AM
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Will we as humans, having seen how tough, courageous and poignant the lives of lions in the wild are, be moved to make a difference?

A Call to Action: SPOIL Wins Top Environmental Film at Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival

February 02, 2011 07:12 PM
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We’re so excited about the success of SPOIL at last week’s Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival. Not only did it win the top spot in the Environmental Film category, but our screening brought together some of the key characters of this summer’s RAVE, enticed more than 700 spectators and motivated more than 1,000 people to […]

An Interview with Chris Linder

February 02, 2011 06:59 PM
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Technology is critical to what I do… When the audience can follow the action day to day as it’s happening, the science becomes more relevant and more ‘real.’

Witness: An Interview With iLCP Photographer Garth Lenz

February 02, 2011 10:23 PM
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Conservation photography is creating images that will effect change and insuring that those images do effect change. The responsibility doesn’t end when you trip the shutter, it actually beings then.

Huffington Post: ‘Tripods In The Sky’: Pink Flamingos Documented From An Aerial Perspective

January 01, 2011 10:37 PM
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Klaus flies over the Yucatan with Lighthawk pilots to capture flamingos from an aerial perspective.

Tripods in the Sky, Yucatan: An Interview With Klaus Nigge

January 01, 2011 07:00 PM
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We saw flocks of more than 10,000 flamingos, so that’s really awesome from the air. Without getting into a plane, no one gets to see that perspective…

The Canmore Leader: Flathead builds buzz at CCHS

January 01, 2011 05:31 PM
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The idea to expand Waterton Lakes National Park has been 100 years in the making “and its time has come.” Thanks to Wildsight, Sierra Club BC, The WILD Foundation, EP Films and everyone for their hard work in protecting the Flathead Valley!

Finding Lost Frog Species in Haiti Offers Hope and Warning for Haiti

January 01, 2011 06:04 PM
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“We went in looking for one missing species and found a treasure trove of others. That, to me, represents a welcome dose of resilience and hope for the people and wildlife of Haiti.” — Dr. Robin Moore

Yucatan RAVE Dispatch from the Field, Isla Holbox, Mexico

November 11, 2010 04:24 PM
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The Yucatan RAVE, the 7th to be carried out by the iLCP, is the largest one to date.

The Guardian: Wildlife photographers put focus on Great Bear rainforest

November 11, 2010 10:43 PM
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“A team of internationally renowned photographers has released a series of stunning images captured during its rapid assessment visual expedition (Rave) to British Columbia’s Great Bear rainforest over the summer.”

ABC News: Spirit Bears and the Great Bear Rainforest

October 10, 2010 10:43 PM
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“Conservationists hope photo spread will bring attention to pipeline proposal.”

ABC News Video: The Hunt for the Rare Spirit Bears

October 10, 2010 10:43 PM
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“Searching for spirit bears, a rare white bear species revered by locals.”

Chesapeake Bay RAVE Dispatch 6 August 31, 2010 from Pine Creek, Pennsylvania

August 08, 2010 07:06 PM
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I was trying to elicit a mood that would suggest we can keep Pennsylvania’s rivers, streams, and creeks clean if we keep making positive changes.

Chesapeake Bay RAVE Dispatch 5 August 28, 2010

August 08, 2010 06:57 PM
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This animal is so difficult to study that it has taken me six years to discover that the Hellbender is in serious jeopardy of disappearing from the Susquehanna River Basin.

Chesapeake Bay RAVE Dispatch 4 August 27, 2010 from Northern Pennsylvania

August 08, 2010 06:42 PM
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As the landscape changes, so does the flow of nutrients and sediments into the water, and that which enters the Susquehanna River could stand a chance of emptying into the bay.

Chesapeake Bay RAVE Dispatch 3 August 26, 2010 from Otsego Lake, Pennsylvania

August 08, 2010 06:31 PM
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While the Susquehanna boasts stats that define it as the longest river east of the Mississippi and the16th largest river in the United States its most impressive feat is that it dumps more than 50% of the freshwater that enters the Chesapeake Bay.

Oil reserves put Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest under the lens

August 08, 2010 04:54 PM
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Chesapeake Bay RAVE Dispatch 2 August 11, 2010 from Richmond, Virginia

August 08, 2010 06:17 PM
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The text supports the contentment of the poster-fish, saying the fish and birds are not harmed by sewage because the pollutants are mixed into the river water by the rapids. Water + poo = smiley.

Patagonia RAVE Review

March 03, 2010 06:26 PM
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In reality, these dams would mark the beginning of the end for Patagonia because their construction would bring in new roads, new development, and hordes of new people that would change the character and wild nature of the region forever.

Patagonia Dispatch 6 February 26, 2011 from Caleta Tortel, Chile

February 02, 2010 06:06 PM
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The ecosystem will be destroyed forever if the two proposed dams for the Baker are built, the beauty that could be lost is what the photographers will focus on capturing.

Patagonia Dispatch 5 February 23, 2010 from Chacabuco, Chile

February 02, 2010 04:00 PM
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There is no shortage of amazing landscape shots here.

Patagonia Dispatch 4 February 22, 2010 from Chacabuco, Chile

February 02, 2010 03:46 PM
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“This has definitely proved to be the most productive segment of the expedition yet.”

Patagonia Dispatch 3 February 17, 2010 from Tranquilo, Chile

February 02, 2010 03:23 PM
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The clouds and winds have returned – Welcome to Patagonia!

Patagonia Dispatch 2 February 12, 2010 from Coyhaique, Chile

February 02, 2010 05:43 PM
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Recent public opinion polls indicate that roughly 70% of all Chileans oppose the hidroaysen dams, whereas 3 years ago only 30% opposed them.

Patagonia RAVE dispatch from the field, Coyhaique, Chile

February 02, 2010 02:27 PM
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Daniel Beltra and Jeff Foott are arriving today and more of the crew will arrive tomorrow.

Yucatan Dispatch 18 November 3, 2009 from Alacranes, Mexico

November 11, 2009 04:46 PM
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Sunsets will happen until the end of the world. Until the earth ceases to orbit the sun. Long after we have exhausted all of the oceans resources, the colors will still be there, but will they still hold the same power over us?

Yucatan Dispatch 17 November 3, 2009 from Alacranes, Mexico

November 11, 2009 04:02 PM
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Did you know that there is a link between sea birds and coral reefs?

Yucatan Dispatch 16 October 30, 2009

October 10, 2009 05:09 PM
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Just as a bat cave, I found it quite impressive, thousands and thousands of bats flow out of the mouth at dusk, into the blue hour. But the best of course were the snakes.

Yucatan Dispatch 15 October 29, 2009 from Sierra Caral, Mexico

October 10, 2009 11:31 PM
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Our time in the Caral was short, but I felt happy that we had managed to capture the first photos of some rare and endemic species.

Yucatan Dispatch 14 October 29, 2009 from Alacranes, Mexico

October 10, 2009 05:39 PM
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We dropped anchor in deep blue water. For the first time we were diving in a place too deep to see the bottom.

Yucatan Dispatch 13 October 29, 2009 from Cozumel, Mexico

October 10, 2009 04:28 PM
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The highest taxi registration number we saw was 758, but Robert says there are over 1500 taxi permits issued. This for an island only 250 square miles, the vast majority of which is unpopulated.

Yucatan Dispatch 12 October 28, 2009 from Cozumel, Mexico

October 10, 2009 04:09 PM
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Martin instructed a group of young, Dutch ecotourists on how to properly clean a hatched turtle nest. To their utter delight, they found one that was in the middle of hatching!

Yucatan Dispatch 11 October 27, 2009 from Alacranes, Mexico

October 10, 2009 11:41 PM
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At first glance the reef is swarming with life but with a closer look, there is a lot missing.

Yucatan Dispatch 10 October 27, 2009 from Cozumel, Mexico

October 10, 2009 08:25 PM
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Our top priority was to film and photograph a lionfish capture – we wanted to get documentation of lionfish in a Caribbean setting, and film the capture of a lionfish.

Yucatan Dispatch 9 October 27, 2009 from Rio Lagartos, Mexico

October 10, 2009 06:30 PM
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Cristina’s RAVE Mission is to document the human landscape in the costal town of the northern Yucatan peninsula.

Yucatan Dispatch 8 October 26, 2009 from Isla Cozumel, Mexico

October 10, 2009 03:45 PM
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This construction will impact a neighboring cenote, dubbed “El Aerolito,” where a taxonomic Family entirely new to science was discovered.

Yucatan Dispatch 7 October 16, 2009 from El Eden, México

October 10, 2009 06:58 PM
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I realize I’m kneeling in the exact spot the puma walked, and an instinctual feeling of wildness and fear runs up my spine as I glance around me into the jungle.

Yucatan Dispatch 6 October 7, 2009 from San Crisanto, México

October 10, 2009 06:15 PM
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“We call it sustainable bullfighting.”

Yucatan Dispatch 5 October 6, 2009 from Isla de Cozumel, México

October 10, 2009 07:01 PM
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“Now…I’ve either just hit rock star status or Cozumel is hurting for tourists.”

Yucatan Dispatch 4 October 3, 2009 from San Crisanto, México

October 10, 2009 05:47 PM
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“It turns out that water IS huge, says Jenny to me as the lights flicker back to life in our hotel and the water pump starts working.”

Yucatan Dispatch 3 October 3, 2009 from Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

October 10, 2009 04:31 PM
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“To be honest, I think my search for wildlife in Calakmul was made more challenging by the fact that the reserve is only marginally protected.”
-Kevin Schafer

Yucatan Dispatch 2 September 01, 2009 from Las Coloradas, Mexico

September 09, 2009 03:31 PM
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This is the first time in the history of the flamingo conservation program in Yucatan that a large colony nests in a salt pond.
