Posts Tagged ‘conservation photography’

¿Ganar a qué costo? Consideraciones éticas para concursos de fotografía de naturaleza y vida silvestre

July 07, 2020 02:15 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on ¿Ganar a qué costo? Consideraciones éticas para concursos de fotografía de naturaleza y vida silvestre

Por Brooke McDonough el miembro del personal de iLCP y el asociado Doug Gimesy Traducido al español por el asociado Eladio Fernandez y nuestro interno Syler Peralta-Ramos El Problema En el mundo competitivo de la fotografía de naturaleza y la vida silvestre, parece que producir una escena usando la fauna silvestre para generar una imagen […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

July 07, 2020 04:37 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Biodiversity, Birds, Climate Change, Energy/Industry, Flora, Freshwater, Health, Landscapes, Mountains, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Plants & Flora, What are our Fellows doing?, Wildlife / Comments Off on Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

Text by Syler Peralta-Ramos, Photos by Karen Kasmauski About the Proposed Pipeline: Pipelines have been at the forefront of American consciousness since the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline sparked nearly a decade of legal controversy and protests. For residents of West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina however, the looming threat of a […]

Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

April 04, 2020 10:49 AM
by / Topics: Ethics, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

By iLCP Staff Member Brooke McDonough and Associate Fellow Doug Gimesy THE ISSUE In the competitive field of nature and wildlife photography, it appears that the staging of wildlife to produce a competition-winning image has become more frequent, and in some competitions, rewarded. We have seen, for example, instances where two animals are artificially placed […]

Photography for Conservation: Join us in London!

October 10, 2019 11:46 AM
by / Topics: Events, Photojournalism, Science, Traps and Remotes, Underwater, Watersheds, What are our Fellows doing?, Wildlife / Comments Off on Photography for Conservation: Join us in London!

We are thrilled to present an event hosted jointly by the IC Environmental Society, the International League of Conservation Photographers, the Grantham Institute, the Natural History Museum of London, Wildscreen UK and IC Photosoc. Three brilliant conservation photographers will join us at Imperial College to speak about their work using the power of photography in […]

WiLD about Conservation

August 08, 2019 03:37 PM
by / Topics: Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on WiLD about Conservation

Join us for an evening of incredible tales, stunning imagery, and conservation stories from iLCP award-winning photographers and filmmakers. This event is open to the public and will include a number of speakers from iLCP and a moderated panel with audience Q&A. iLCP Fellows are the world’s best conservation photographers and filmmakers who use storytelling […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Eladio Fernandez

August 08, 2019 01:14 PM
by / Topics: Photojournalism / Comments Off on iLCP Featured Fellow – Eladio Fernandez

Eladio Fernandez is a conservation photographer, a naturalist, author and publisher from the Dominican Republic. He has an extensive image bank on Caribbean flora, fauna and landscapes. His work also includes underwater subjects and captures vanishing cultural rituals and practices from the Caribbean. Some of Eladio’s images have appeared in magazines, such as the Wildlife […]

Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

July 07, 2019 10:59 AM
by / Topics: Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Ethics, Health, Marine, Photojournalism, Underwater / Comments Off on Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

What are our Fellows doing? June 2019

July 07, 2019 11:55 AM
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Robert Glenn Ketchum has continued his long-term work on the No Pebble Mine campaign in partnership with the NRDC. He frequently blogs on the topic and recently released and ad in the New York Times with the NRDC. “Since 1998, I have been working to protect the spectacular resources of southwest Alaska and the fishery of Bristol Bay. […]

The Redsecker Response Fund

May 05, 2019 03:11 PM
by / Topics: Multimedia, Photojournalism / Comments Off on The Redsecker Response Fund

The Redsecker Response Fund honors long-time iLCP board member and Chair, Buffy Redsecker, for her support of professional photographers and their important work creating images to inspire positive conservation action. Buffy’s seven-year term on the board ends this month, and we want to show our appreciation for her enthusiastic support of conservation photography through a […]

iLCP at Wildscreen Festival 2018

September 09, 2018 02:31 PM
by / Topics: Events, Multimedia, Photojournalism / Comments Off on iLCP at Wildscreen Festival 2018

This year, iLCP is the conservation photography partner at Wildscreen Festival. To explain more about the partnership and conservation photography, Wildscreen interviewed our Executive Director, Susan Norton. Please see the interview below:  Wildscreen is partnering with the International League of Conservation Photographers at Wildscreen Festival 2018 where many of it’s fellows and associates will be speaking at […]