Posts Tagged ‘Peter Mather’

¿Ganar a qué costo? Consideraciones éticas para concursos de fotografía de naturaleza y vida silvestre

July 07, 2020 02:15 PM
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Por Brooke McDonough el miembro del personal de iLCP y el asociado Doug Gimesy Traducido al español por el asociado Eladio Fernandez y nuestro interno Syler Peralta-Ramos El Problema En el mundo competitivo de la fotografía de naturaleza y la vida silvestre, parece que producir una escena usando la fauna silvestre para generar una imagen […]

Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

April 04, 2020 10:49 AM
by / Topics: Ethics, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests

By iLCP Staff Member Brooke McDonough and Associate Fellow Doug Gimesy THE ISSUE In the competitive field of nature and wildlife photography, it appears that the staging of wildlife to produce a competition-winning image has become more frequent, and in some competitions, rewarded. We have seen, for example, instances where two animals are artificially placed […]

Caribou Calving Grounds?

July 07, 2018 10:07 AM
by / Topics: Arctic/Antarctic, Wildlife / Comments Off on Caribou Calving Grounds?

Text by iLCP Fellow Peter Mather It is 1am as I drive down Alaska’s straightest and smoothest road. We are on our way home and making good time. The sun, having just set, is a pastel pink and a single cloud, resembling cotton candy, hangs low in the sky. As a conservation photographer, I spend […]