Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

July 07, 2020 04:37 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Biodiversity, Birds, Climate Change, Energy/Industry, Flora, Freshwater, Health, Landscapes, Mountains, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Plants & Flora, What are our Fellows doing?, Wildlife / Comments Off on Atlantic Coast Pipeline CANCELLED: A monumental win for conservation and environmental justice

Text by Syler Peralta-Ramos, Photos by Karen Kasmauski About the Proposed Pipeline: Pipelines have been at the forefront of American consciousness since the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline sparked nearly a decade of legal controversy and protests. For residents of West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina however, the looming threat of a […]

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline

If built, the ACP will disrupt the pristine landscape & impact historic communities. An Expedition led by Senior Fellow, Karen Kasmauski

Views from the Photo Desk: Uncloaking the Mystery of Bats

October 10, 2019 09:54 AM
by / Topics: Photojournalism, Wildlife / 2 Comments »

Views from the Photo Desk is a monthly selection of captivating images from the iLCP Image Bank curated by our Visual Assets Coordinator. Bats are one of the most mysterious and least understood groups of mammals. Bats provide a valuable service to people – the main prey of many bat species is insects including mosquitoes, beetles, […]

Conservation Win! The Peel Watershed is Protected

August 08, 2019 12:42 PM
by / Topics: Freshwater, Landscapes, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Watersheds / Comments Off on Conservation Win! The Peel Watershed is Protected

The Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan was signed August 2019, protecting the Peel Watershed! The Peel Watershed is a large (over 24,000 square miles) and remote area located in the North-East of Canada’s Yukon Territory. It consists of 6 major rivers that all merge into the Peel, which then flows into the Mackenzie River […]

360˚VR – Encounter with Great White Shark in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

September 09, 2018 10:43 AM
by / Topics: Biodiversity, Marine, Multimedia, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 360˚VR – Encounter with Great White Shark in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Photos and story by Senior Fellow Keith Ellenbogen. Keith Ellenbogen was awarded a Hollings Ocean Awareness Award from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation to capture dramatic and beautiful images that showcase the surprising diversity of marine wildlife within Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, just 25 nautical miles off the coast of Boston, between Cape Ann […]

A Wilderness Adventure in a National Forest

September 09, 2018 02:28 PM
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Photos by Senior Fellow Dave Showalter iLCP has been working in partnership with the National Forest Foundation and U.S. Forest Service on their It’s All Yours campaign to promote recreation and encourage Americans to develop a deeper relationship with their National Forests. As part of this campaign, people are encouraged to spend time outside; to […]

Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Stories

Throughout 2018, the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) with our partners The Wilderness Society and the Alaska Wilderness League is supporting a series of rapid response expeditions into Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to highlight the urgent need to protect this threatened national treasure.

A Tribute to Environmentalist Nathaniel Reed

July 07, 2018 02:11 PM
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On July 11th Nathaniel ‘Nat’ Reed, a great environmental advocate, passed away at age 84. Mr. Reed had many accomplishments and tirelessly spoke up to help protect wildlife and preserve the environment. He was a true environmental champion. Among Mr. Reed’s most noted work were his efforts in drafting and petitioning the U.S. Endangered Species […]

Bears Ears National Monument

Cedar Mesa, in southeast Utah, stands more than 2,000 feet above the valley below, dramatic goosenecks carved by the San Juan River, its monuments and towers eroded from Valley Of The God, Comb Ridge guarding Bears Ears’ eastern edge…

Saving a Crown Jewel

February 02, 2018 07:13 PM
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Read our newest blog posting from iLCP Fellow Krista Schlyer on National Geographic Voices. “There are some places in this world where life and beauty effervesce from the ground itself, places we simply cannot lose. There are landscapes where lines must be drawn in the proverbial sand and we must say, no, you will not take […]