Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

July 07, 2019 10:59 AM
by / Topics: Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Ethics, Health, Marine, Photojournalism, Underwater / Comments Off on Views from the photo desk: Sharks in Peril

Small Fisheries, Big Impacts: Artisanal Fishers Hook in Hope for Alleviating Poverty

September 09, 2017 03:04 PM
by / Topics: Fisheries, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on Small Fisheries, Big Impacts: Artisanal Fishers Hook in Hope for Alleviating Poverty

Text and Photos by iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton. Read our other articles on the National Geographic Voices blog featuring the work of our iLCP Fellow Photographers all around the world. Many of my photographic assignments have taken me to the front lines of industrial fishing, often happening beyond national borders. In these distant waters there’s […]

Release of the Gibbon

October 10, 2016 01:48 PM
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iLCP Fellow Paul Jan Hilton has been in the field documenting releasing Javan Gibbons, read about it on National Geographic Voices. “As the clouds languidly clear over a rainforest in West Java, Indonesia, the haunting serenity of the scene before me is suddenly pierced by the unmistakable clamor of gibbon song. It’s a sound that […]

Pangolins on the Brink

September 09, 2016 04:08 PM
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iLCP Fellow Paul Jan Hilton has been in the field documenting the plight of the pangolin, read about it on National Geographic Voices. Over 180 nations approved today, Wednesday, September 28, proposals to protect all eight species of pangolin, including a ban on all trade of live pangolin, pangolin meat and scales under Appendix 1. […]

News from the Indonesia

April 04, 2016 11:04 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Development, People and Culture, Rainforests, Uncategorized, Wildlife / Comments Off on News from the Indonesia

iLCP Associate Fellow Paul Hilton has published two new articles on conservation efforts in Indonesia. His first article, Sumatra’s Orang-utans: Chocolate’s Road to Freedom, follows the story of Chocolate and his journey from captivity with traders to his eventual release back into the wild. –“We arrive at the release site and head straight over to […]

The Forgotten Elephants of the Leuser Ecosystem

September 09, 2015 04:27 PM
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The future of the critically endangered Sumatran elephant hangs on a thread. Palm oil plantations have converted 90 percent of prime Sumatran elephant habitat to a monoculture desert. The lowland rainforests of the Leuser Ecosystem are the world’s best remaining habitat for the Sumatran elephant yet they are being bulldozed, often illegally, for palm oil everyday.

Pangolin Prison – Part II

May 05, 2015 09:17 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Pangolin Prison – Part II

iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton assists at the incineration of 5 tons of pangolins slaughtered by poachers in Sumatra.

Pangolin Prison

May 05, 2015 09:12 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on Pangolin Prison

iLCP Fellow Paul Hilton documents the bust of a massive pangolin smuggling operation in Sumatra.

Women Lead on Conservation in Nepal

April 04, 2015 02:08 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Health, People and Culture, Rainforests / Comments Off on Women Lead on Conservation in Nepal

Education about health, the environment and conservation helps women out of poverty in Nepal.

Orangutan Rescue in the Land of the Chainsaw

April 04, 2015 09:36 PM
by / Topics: Assignments, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Rainforests, Wildlife / Comments Off on Orangutan Rescue in the Land of the Chainsaw

As oil palm plantations continue devastating Indonesia’s rainforests, animals like the orangutan are left with ever-decreasing, and impoverished habitats, threatening their survival.