WiLDspeak 2015

June 06, 2015 09:14 PM
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WiLDspeak is a one day symposium with presentations, discussions, learning, and inspiration from some of the world’s leading nature and wildlife photographers, scientists, and conservation program implementers. Together, we will explore how visual media can best contribute to successful conservation communications and outcomes all around the globe.  See our WiLDSPEAK page for more information!

Michele Westmorland on the Gambier Islands

January 01, 2015 06:09 AM
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Michele Westmorland talks about her experience working with iLCP and the Living Oceans Foundation in the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia

Where Are the Predators of the Gambier Islands?

May 05, 2013 05:55 PM
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“While stable, self-perpetuating underwater communities were found in the Gambier Islands, a worrying trend was observed […] a significantly low population of fish, espespecially predators in many area.”

Michele Westmorland Blogs About Marine Worms in French Polynesia

January 01, 2013 03:48 PM
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“Polychaetes worms live everywhere from the abyssal deep sea to the splashy intertidal, boiling hot water springs to Antarctic ice sheets. There are over 8000 species and they may be the most numerous creatures in the sea!”

Michele Westmorland Blogs From the iLCP Photographic Expedition in French Polynesia

January 01, 2013 10:39 PM
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iLCP photographer Michele Westmorland is currently taking part in a coral reef research expedition in the Gambier Islands of French Polynesia. The research is being carried out by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, a US based non-profit