Cabo Pulmo Multimedia en Espanol

January 01, 2015 06:09 AM
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¿Qué harías si tu casa estuviera en peligro?

Obviamente, la protegerías.

Baja All-Exclusive

January 01, 2015 06:09 AM
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A short from the documentary “Baja All-Exclusive” that shows the other face of tourism development in Baja California Sur, México.

Cabo Pulmo Multimedia

January 01, 2015 06:09 AM
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What would you do if your home was threatened?

Naturally, you’d protect it.

National Geographic en Espanol: Cabo Pulmo, la perla del Golfo de California

May 05, 2011 01:23 PM
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The May issue of National Geographic en Español features a story on the Mexican National Park Cabo Pulmo photographed by iLCP Associate Octavio Aburto. For 15 years, Cabo Pulmo has not had any fishing activity, and has become the only marine area that researchers are using to test hypotheses about the Gulf of California’s health. […]

Partial Authorization for Cabo Cortes

March 03, 2011 02:16 PM
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Partial approval to begin construction of the mega resort, Cabo Cortes in Cabo Pulmo, Baja.