Absaroka-Beartooth Front: Yellowstone’s wild front porch

July 07, 2014 05:25 PM
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“Thanks in great part to Showalter and iLCP’s 2011 expedition’s focus on the Absaroka-Beartooth Front, nearly 1 million acres beyond the 1.4 million acres of already-protected wilderness in Wyoming are to be exempt from oil and gas development.”

Reflecting on the Absaroka TIM, November 29

December 12, 2011 09:08 PM
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“It didn’t take me long to realize that the A-B Front is the most important, fully-functioning ecosystem outside of a national park in America.” -Dave

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the field 11/12 Shoshone River

November 11, 2011 05:48 PM
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By Dave Showalter Winds roared all night in the Bighorn Basin, offering no clue that winter had arrived at higher elevations. I traveled the North Fork of the Shoshone River with Dave Burke, Park County Commissioner, photographer, and all around nice guy. We looked for grizzly bears that hadn’t denned up yet, spotted rutting bighorn […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the field 11/11 Elk Fork

November 11, 2011 05:48 PM
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By Dave Showalter I joined Cody resident Justin Hawkins for a hike above the Elk Fork, a stream the feeds the North Fork of the Shoshone River. This is Justin’s home field – he supervises the forest campgrounds along the North Fork. We ducked out of the howling wind and ascended a thin trail on […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/29 Bear Track-ing

September 09, 2011 07:03 PM
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I met local Cody wildlife photographer Matt Riebel at the GYC event this week and casually mentioned that I had heard about bear activity on the Pahaska Trail and would like to hike… before I could finish, he says I’m in! Matt and I met at the trailhead in grey dawn light and set out […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/28 Clark’s Fork Canyon

September 09, 2011 07:03 PM
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Today is my ninth day in the field for this leg of the expedition and I was reflecting while hiking in Clark’s Fork Canyon this morning. We had a reception in Cody last night, with 25 Greater Yellowstone Coalition supporters coming out to learn about our Tripods In The Mud Campaign. I’ve met so many […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/27 Greybull Pass

September 09, 2011 03:23 PM
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One of the requirements for this line of work is getting out early and staying out late – night work. I’ve been getting into the Absaroka Range the last few days, hiking to Greybull Pass to see the headwaters of the Greybull River and up to Copper Lakes, the headwaters of Sunlight Creek with Martin […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/23 Clark, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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Thirty miles north of Cody, at the mouth Clark’s Fork Canyon, the town of Clark is a wide spot in the road with houses sprinkled across wind-blown sage flats. Spectacular mountains tilted on their sides form the backdrop. I met Deb Thomas of Powder River Resource Council for a tour of the Clark area and […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/22 Greybull River, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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Cody resident and outstanding fly fisherman Dave Sweet took our small group out for a remarkable fishing outing on the Greybull River, one of the strongholds for the imperiled Yelowstone cutthroat trout. A bluebird day with a wild river running through it. The Greybull flows cold and strong out of the Absaroka Mountains to the […]

Absaroka TIM Dispatches from the Field 9/21 Pavillion, Wyoming

September 09, 2011 06:17 PM
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These are some of the strongest people I’ve ever met.