Posts Tagged ‘Urban’

1Frame4Nature | Wendy Shattil

February 02, 2017 02:07 PM
by / Topics: Climate Change, Photojournalism, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Wendy Shattil

What YOU Can Do:  Put a face on wildlife by taking photos of them in their natural urban environment. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes […]

Understanding Urban Coyotes

April 04, 2016 11:06 AM
by / Topics: Assignments, Uncategorized / Comments Off on Understanding Urban Coyotes

With the Urban Coyote expedition in the beginning stages this article looks at where it all began and where it aims to go. You can read more on The Natural History of the Urban Coyote and see some of the science and imagery that looks to help more fully understand the coyote. “Combining the latest urban […]