Posts Tagged ‘sea turtles’

1Frame4Nature | A Vessel of Life in the Philippine Seas

June 06, 2017 12:30 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | A Vessel of Life in the Philippine Seas

What YOU Can Do:  Reduce your carbon footprint: Ride your bike or walk to work, and use public transportation or share a ride whenever possible. Committing to it, even just once a week, is a consistent contribution that reduces fossil fuel use. –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of […]

1Frame4Nature | Under the Mangrove Sea

June 06, 2017 01:38 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Under the Mangrove Sea

What YOU Can Do:  Start a conversation about the importance of mangroves with your friends and family. Explore, interact with, and share the data at Learn about the amazing animals and communities that mangroves support –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. […]

1Frame4Nature | Baby Giants in the Deep Blue

May 05, 2017 02:12 PM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Macro, Marine, People and Culture, Photojournalism, Science, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Baby Giants in the Deep Blue

What YOU Can Do: Eat sustainable seafood. Look for special terms like “line caught”, “diver caught”, “sustainably caught” or “sustainably harvested. Stop using straws. About 500 million disposable straws are used each day in USA and plastic straws aren’t accepted for recycling. Straws are the number top 10 plastic trash found in the oceans. Reduce […]