Posts Tagged ‘founding fellow’

iLCP Featured Fellow – Staffan Widstrand

June 06, 2016 12:57 PM
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iLCP Senior Fellow Staffan Widstrand was born 1959. Early in his career he was a picture editor, a nature tour guide and a nature tour production manager. Since 1990 he has been a full time independent professional photographer, working in long term projects. The winner of numerous international photography and book prizes and awards (11 in the Wildlife Photographer […]

In Memory of Bob Rozinski

April 04, 2016 01:52 PM
by / Topics: Events, Health, People and Culture / Comments Off on In Memory of Bob Rozinski

iLCP has the misfortune to announce that Founding Fellow Bob Rozinski passed away in his sleep on Saturday April, 16th after losing his battle with cancer. As full time professional wildlife photographers, Bob and Wendy described themselves as “a rare breed”. Bob was truly a force in the conservation community and will be sorely missed for his […]