Posts Tagged ‘Expeditions’

What are our Fellows doing? May 2019

June 06, 2019 03:31 PM
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Stay up to date with all 117 iLCP Fellows by signing up for our monthly newsletter or continue checking our blog for updates! The June issue of Outdoor Photographer features the iLCP expeditions to Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, with a cover article written by Peter Mather. The National Wildlife Federation and Ranger Rick Magazine have announced that Javier […]

Caribou Calving Grounds?

July 07, 2018 10:07 AM
by / Topics: Arctic/Antarctic, Wildlife / Comments Off on Caribou Calving Grounds?

Text by iLCP Fellow Peter Mather It is 1am as I drive down Alaska’s straightest and smoothest road. We are on our way home and making good time. The sun, having just set, is a pastel pink and a single cloud, resembling cotton candy, hangs low in the sky. As a conservation photographer, I spend […]