Photography for Conservation: Join us in London!

October 10, 2019 11:46 AM
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We are thrilled to present an event hosted jointly by the IC Environmental Society, the International League of Conservation Photographers, the Grantham Institute, the Natural History Museum of London, Wildscreen UK and IC Photosoc. Three brilliant conservation photographers will join us at Imperial College to speak about their work using the power of photography in […]

Marine Biology at the Top of the World

July 07, 2017 03:22 PM
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Pictures by James Morgan, Words by James Simpson Svalbard. 78° north. Only 750 miles from the North Pole. We join Knut Sunnanå, chief scientist, and his team aboard the RV Helmar Hanssen for the first few days of a research cruise in the waters around Svalbard. The ship is a 63m converted prawn trawler, part […]

1Frame4Nature | Amplifying the Big Picture

July 07, 2017 10:47 AM
by / Topics: 1Frame4Nature, Birds, Fisheries, Marine, Photojournalism, Science, Underwater, Wildlife / Comments Off on 1Frame4Nature | Amplifying the Big Picture

What YOU Can Do:  Learn about your local habitats and wildlife and speak passionately to friends, family and colleagues—enthusiasm is infectious. Identify ways in which wildlife could do better and do your best to make it happen. Here in the UK for example, many local councils have a policy of strimming roadside verges. Write to […]

1Frame4Nature | Michel Roggo

March 03, 2017 12:00 PM
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What YOU Can Do:  Write or speak to legislators, ask for a meeting! –1Frame4Nature is a collection of images and stories from around the globe of your personal connection to nature. However small, when combined with the actions of others, your individual actions can impact real and tangible outcomes for the preservation of our planet. Submit […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Laurent Geslin

November 11, 2016 11:06 AM
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Laurent Geslin is a professional photographer working mainly on environmental issues.While studying history of art, he discovered classic photographers such as Cartier Bresson, Raymond Depardon and Martin Parr. His passion for wildlife soon led him to the work of Stephen Dalton and Michael Nick Nichols. After being a naturalist guide in France, South Africa and […]

Return of the Ghost Cat

July 07, 2016 01:00 PM
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iLCP Fellow Laurent Geslin published images in conjunction with Mike Unwin for bioGraphic. Follow his story, documenting the elusive Eurasian lynx. Read it here. “I knew he must be close when the call stopped,” explains French wildlife photographer Laurent Geslin, recounting the moment in January 2011 when he first laid eyes on a wild Eurasian lynx. […]

iLCP Featured Fellow – Staffan Widstrand

June 06, 2016 12:57 PM
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iLCP Senior Fellow Staffan Widstrand was born 1959. Early in his career he was a picture editor, a nature tour guide and a nature tour production manager. Since 1990 he has been a full time independent professional photographer, working in long term projects. The winner of numerous international photography and book prizes and awards (11 in the Wildlife Photographer […]

Deceptive Beauties – The World of Wild Orchids

January 01, 2012 05:33 PM
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They weren’t structured like any other flowers, and they seemed somehow special in a mysterious way.

A Vertical World, The Mountains of the Apennine Chamois

December 12, 2011 04:46 PM
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The lives of these chamois play out in a vertical world.

The Montagna Madre project – Bruno D’Amicis

October 10, 2011 02:52 AM
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“Very few people know of the existence of true wilderness in Europe and even less understand the very strict, but necessary, conservation measures needed to protect this lingering natural heritage” – Bruno