Ensuring South Georgia’s Future

In between South America and Africa lies one of the most critically important wildlife sanctuaries in the entire Southern Ocean.

1Frame4Nature | Chris Linder

April 04, 2017 10:00 AM
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What YOU Can Do:  Make your voice heard! Join the March for Science on April 22 in Washington, DC, at one of nearly 500 satellite locations, or virtually. Attend an informal science lecture at a coffeehouse or pub (find one near you). These are great settings to learn about new research and ask questions. Experience science […]

Plight of the polar bear

January 01, 2012 03:56 PM
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If humans continue to burn fossil fuels and pump ever- increasing amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air, arctic temperatures will inevitably continue to rise, and sea ice will surely continue to shrivel.

Challenging Science Stereotypes with Science on Ice

December 12, 2011 03:38 PM
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What do you think of when you hear the word “scientist?”

Shooting From the Heart — Daisy Gilardini’s Wildlife Photography (VIDEO)

March 03, 2011 06:07 PM
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“Daisy Gilardini has a remarkable ability to establish a visual intimacy with the animals she photographs.”

An Interview with Chris Linder

February 02, 2011 06:59 PM
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Technology is critical to what I do… When the audience can follow the action day to day as it’s happening, the science becomes more relevant and more ‘real.’