WiLDSPEAK and Video Shorts
Dear Affiliates –
If you haven’t been following our social media, you may not realize the WiLDSPEAK DC is just around the corner, coming up on November 16, here in DC. We have a great day of great presentations planned and for the full event info and schedule, please see our event site at www.wildspeak.org. We hope you will join us! As an iLCP Affiliate, you are entitled to a 45% discount on the ticket prices – whether you want to attend just the Symposium, just the VIP Reception, or both. After selecting your ticket option, please use the discount code WS2015*iLCP to activate the discount before check out. We really hope you can make it!
Whether you can attend or not, I hope we can count on you to help promote the event to your networks. We are using Social Media actively – twitter: @WildspeakDC and Facebook: Wildspeak and of course the website itself.
Last, and especially for the videographer Affiliates, we wanted to make you aware that we will be presenting a one and a half hour Video Shorts Program (from 5:30 PM to 7:00PM – between the WiLDSPEAK Symposium and the Reception) that will be free and open to the general DC Public, based on availability of seats not already taken by folks who purchased Symposium tickets. If you have not done so yet, and would like to have a film of no more than six minutes considered for this portion of the WiLDSPEAK program – please send me a link on YouTube or Vimeo so that we can preview by no later than this Friday, October 2. We are looking for diversity of subject material, conservation topic address, and geography
Thanks so much and hope to see you soon!
PS – please check your profile on the website at http://conservationphotographers.org/about-us/affiliates/. If we don’t have your image, please send to me by email, and if you want to update your profile, fill it out here: http://conservationphotographers.org/ilcp-only/forms-logos/affiliate-bio-update-form/ and log in with the email address that this email was sent to. Thanks!!
Alexandra Garcia
Executive Director