Mo Heim to Fellows re WiLDSPEAK

Hi Fellow iLCPers,

I am sure that by now, you know of our upcoming WiLDSpeak event in DC, on Monday, November 16.  I like to think of it as a celebration of this cause we all believe in so much. We had a lot of fun putting it together, and the one thing that would ensure that it’s as incredible as we know it can be would be to see your amazing faces there.

Leading up to the big day on the 16th, we’ve got all sorts of special events and lots of socializing that was designed just for us.  Come share your projects, seek out new funding, and try not to get sucked into karaoke night. Seriously, if anyone doesn’t want to partake in karaoke, I’ll be happy to buy a round of beers (within reason) in another section of the bar.

We know once you see all the fun we’re having on Facebook, you’ll think, “Man I wish had been there!” Don’t let this happen to you! So join us if you can.

There’s a fantastic lineup of speakers and NGO and media partners who will be there. You can see the line up of speakers and presenting partners HERE.  We have registrants from Africa Wildlife Foundation, Galapagos Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, National Geographic, World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Island Conservation, FrakTraker Alliance, Defenders of Wildlife, Pew Charitable Trusts, Smithsonian Institution, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to name just a few of the organizations that will be represented.  We also have registrants from camera/photo clubs and from our product sponsors of course: Nikon, Cognisys, Voltaic Systems, and Lowepro.

It will be a great gathering – but we need more!  So, I and the other Fellows on the WiLDSPEAK Organizing Committee really hope that you will share information about this event with your friends, colleagues, and partners who love conservation and love photography. As Fellows of iLCP, we all need to help make this event a success and I hope that each one of you will do your best to promote it and help us fill the auditorium.  The links to distribute and a suggested Tweet are

facebook: wildspeak
twitter: WildspeakDC

Sample twitter: Join @iLCP for @WildspeakDC, a day of photography, conservation, and communications!  Nov 16 in DC. More info at!

Last, as we celebrate iLCP’s 10th anniversary, I also see this as a time to get back to our roots and reconnect with this idea that we are fighting for beautiful things together.  I sincerely hope you can join us!

All my best –

Morgan Heim, Associate Fellow
Member – WiLDSPEAK Organization Committee
Member – Fellows Advisory Council