2016 Annual Dues

Hello –

The May 31 deadline for payment of the 2016 Fellows Dues is now passed.  We very much hope that you will take this opportunity to click on the link below to make your payment.  If there is a particular reason why you have not made your payment, I would be happy to discuss it with you.  Please just let me know a convenient time when we can talk.

Again, perhaps you’d like a reminder of the benefits that come with being an iLCP Fellow, aside of course from being part of an active and vibrant community of your peers and an organization that is considered the leader in the realm of conservation photography.

  • Discounts on equipment, products and professional development opportunities, for details see here: Benefits
  • Promotion of your work and efforts on the iLCP social media channels.
  • Access to our press and news blogs to get your stories out to the media
  • Discount attendance to WiLDSPEAK and the potential for presenting your work at the symposium
  • Access to iLCP’s Fiscal Sponsorship program

So, please click on the link below to remain on the active list of iLCP Fellows!


With my best regards –


Alexandra S. Garcia
Executive Director