Development Halted in the Sacred Headwaters
After a decade of fighting, all major development has halted in the Sacred Headwaters.
After a decade of fighting, all major development has halted in the Sacred Headwaters.
The soundtrack for the Sacred Headwaters RAVE campaign
iLCP’s efforts to bring attention to the protection of British Columbia’s Sacred Headwaters contribute to securing permanent protection for the area.
National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis describes the Sacred Headwaters – where three of British Columbia’s greatest salmon-bearing rivers are formed. The area is under threat by mining developments. Featuring photos by Paul Colangelo. To see the video, click on the READ ARTICLE link above and to learn more and help, please visit
“We felt the Canadian people should have some say in what is being done in the North.” Because the people won’t or can’t come to the place, “we brought the place to the people,” in the form of the book, he said.
In a rugged knot of mountains in northern British Columbia lies a spectacular valley known to the First Nations as the Sacred Headwaters.